Slow but decisive changes over multidecades(by 5to12)
(2007-10-16 19:55:17)
-Real hourly wages peaked back in 1973.
-Rate of domesticnonfinancial corps' profit peaked during the 1950s and 1960s, shiftingto general decline post-1967. (often a profit share rather than actualrate measure is used to hide this)
-Productivity and various other metrics peaked and slid in both absolute and relative terms.
-There has been a multi-decades attempt to substitute financial for productive, an attempt finally reaching the end of its rope.
-Similarto the running down of plant and equipment in search of short-term gainfor a few while majority are forgotten. Notice that the term 'workingclass' has been effectively disappeared in favor of a euphamism,'middle class'.
-We've been on our way for decades and most, no,all, will definitely not like the destination; 'depression' cannotbegin to capture the non-ending 'end game' of wars, revolutions, socialand personal chaos within the death agony of capitalism in the U.S. andothers.