
Fatherless America

(2007-06-15 21:03:33) 下一个
"The most urgent domestic challenge facing the United States...is there-creation of fatherhood as a vital social role for men," saysBlankenhorn, founder and president of the Institute for AmericanValues, a private New York City research organization. His compellingpresentation of the "culture of fatherlessness" describes more than thephysical absence of a father from the family; what is most troubling,he maintains, is the growing belief that fatherhood is an unnecessaryfunction. The author examines various demographics of fatherlessnessand presents his recommendations for rediscovering the goal of "afather for every child," cautioning that unless the trend offatherlessness is reversed, the "decline of child well-being and thespread of male violence" will not be arrested. Although this and othersof his conclusions are arguable, Blankenhorn provides much worthyfodder for debate.
Copyright 1994 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

From Library Journal
Fatherlessness has beena hot-button issue since 1992, when Vice President Dan Quayle lambastedTV's Murphy Brown for "mocking the importance of fathers." This booksets the tone for further debate on the issue. Blankenhorn, chair ofthe National Fatherhood Initiative and founder/president of theInstitute for American Values, criticizes the growth in the number offatherless families and the development of a culture of fatherlessness.Detailing how the social role of fathers has been diminished anddevalued, he theorizes that devalued fatherhood has led to higherincidences of crime, domestic violence, child sexual abuse, and childpoverty. He then critiques eight predominant father roles incontemporary American society. Blankenhorn calls for a revival of the"good family man," offering 12 proposals to reinvigorate the role offatherhood. Copius notes append the text. A valuable resource forsocial planners and the general public.
Michael A. Lutes, Univ. of Notre Dame Lib., Ind.
Copyright 1995 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
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