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Eclipse Shortcuts

(2007-10-01 15:39:28) 下一个
Eclipse Shortcuts

Navigational Shortcuts


Main menu

Shift F10 Context menu
Ctrl F10View menu
Workspace navigation
F12 Activate editor
Ctrl+Shift+W Switch editor
Ctrl F6 Next editor
Ctrl Shift F6Prev editor
Ctrl F7Next workspace
Ctrl Shift F7Prev workspace
Ctrl F8 Next perspective
Ctrl Shift F8Prev perspective
Alt LeftBack
Alt Right Forward
Alt Shift S Show in…
Ctrl Shift RJump to file
Ctrl N New file
Ctrl S Save file
Ctrl Shift SSave all files
Ctrl F4Close file
Ctrl Shift F4Close all files
Ctrl L Goto line
Ctrl F Find
Ctrl J Incremental find
Ctrl Shift J Incremental find prev
Ctrl K Find next
Ctrl Shift K Find prev
Ctrl H Search workspace
Ctrl (dot) Navigate next
Ctrl (comma) Navigate prev
Java navigation
F3Goto declaration
Ctrl Shift UFind references in file
Ctrl Shift GFind references in workspace
Ctrl GFind declarations in workspace
Ctrl Shift PNavigate to matching bracket/brace
Ctrl T Popup type hierarchy
Ctrl Shift TOpen Type
Ctrl O Outline of current source
Ctrl F3 Outline of current cursor position
Ctrl Shift ArrowJump beetween methods up or down
F2 Show Javadoc
F4 Show hierarchy
Ctrl Alt H Open call hierarchy
General editing
Alt ArrowMove line(s) up or down
Alt Shift Up Expand selection to enclosing element
Alt Shift RightExpand selection to next element
Alt Shift LeftExpand selection to previous element
Alt Shift DownRestore previous selection
Ctrl Alt Arrow Duplicate line(s) up or down
Shift EnterInsert line below
Ctrl Shift EnterInsert line above
Ctrl DDelete line
Ctrl Shift QToggle Quick Diff
Ctrl Shift Y Convert to lowercase
Ctrl Shift XConvert to uppercase
Java editing
Alt Shift U Remove occurrence annotations
Ctrl 1 Quick fix (works even when there are no errors
Ctrl Shift M Add import
Ctrl Shift F Reformat
Ctrl Shift O Organize Imports
Ctrl / Comment
Ctrl UnComment
Ctrl Shift SpaceParameter hints
Ctrl Hyperlink identifier
Ctrl I Correct indentation
Shift Space Incremental content assist
F5 Step into
F6Step over
F7 Run to return
F8 Resume
F9 Relaunch last
F11Run/debug last
Ctrl F11 Run
Ctrl Shift B Toggle breakpoint
Ctrl D Display
Ctrl Q Inspect
Ctrl RRun to line
Ctrl U Run snippet
Alt TRefactoring menu
Ctrl Shift Z Undo refactor
Ctrl Shift Y Redo refactor
Alt Shift RRename
Alt Shift V Move
Alt Shift I Inline
Alt Shift M Extract method
Alt Shift L Extract local
Alt Shift C Change method signature
F1 Infopop
F2 Show resizeable hover
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