
foto action: Li Wei

(2006-10-25 22:05:13) 下一个

by Li Wei

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z.f. 回复 悄悄话 for me, "avant garde" spells "spirit" .... or the guts to be different or misunderstood .....or a howl!

完全同意!!!! 当人类文明发展到今天...henry miller 说人类将越来越聪明和精确..."东海西海,心理攸同,南学北学,道术未裂"(钱钟书)...

而领悟得早的人也会更加快乐坚强地行动生活着...我非常欣赏Andy Whole说的一句话: "In the future everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes. "...

所以"avant garde" :


对我来说也是: "avant garde" spells "spirit" .... or the guts to be different or misunderstood .....or a howl!
作舟 回复 悄悄话 yes, "avant garde" is foremost a local/reigional/cultural result of artistic protest ....

the western artists/poets we know are still very limited ... we like them because we have not seen anything of that sort before .....

in the art world, imitation/influence is a very common element when we "learn/copy" from others ....

for me, "avant garde" spells "spirit" .... or the guts to be different or misunderstood .....or a howl!
z.f. 回复 悄悄话 About this body of flesh
There is no mystery when
The soul finally takes its flight

当我们将人体的神秘感除去,从艺术上来讲,中国“先锋”:A personal diary..."先锋"在哪里? 时间最能检验艺术,艺术里有永恒的BEAUTY,也有功能性的"BEAUTY"...这些"先锋"有某种"先锋"的功能...但其实并不新鲜...视觉上艺术上还是对待生命也吧艺术也吧的看法上,在国内,可能是新鲜的??...
z.f. 回复 悄悄话 我很同意:...as a matter of fact, it is not meant to be "understood" ....

"avant garde" has a very different function in art history ....

但我不会将中国“先锋”和picasso,cummings相提并论,因为他们的作品无论从视觉还是从艺术造诣上都并不"先锋"..."内容"是不可能"先锋"的...所以是带帽子的"中国"先锋""... 我想"中国"先锋"" has a very different function in 中国 art history ....
影云 回复 悄悄话 they renew life of Art . . .picasso was the avant-garde for visual art. . .cummings was the one for poetry . . .john cage for music . . .they "rebel" - - - in a mature way - - - against the normed/dead traditional/dreadful way to view life and those so-called/predefined "beauty" . . .
~&~ 回复 悄悄话 it takes time to understand "avant garde"....as a matter of fact, it is not meant to be "understood" ....

"avant garde" has a very different function in art history ....

thanx guys!
z.f. 回复 悄悄话 the fotos you posted here are really nice...

thoughtful and real...

i want to pay my respect to artists in China including "Chinese Avant-garde Artists" :) (be honest, my mind is not open enough to accept those images at first, but i understand now...)

thank you for sharing...
影云 回复 悄悄话 not easy . . . last night i was reading some action photos, really nice, giving still life motion . . .