
[zt] A rare, but true Chinese musician!! (图)

(2006-04-14 18:40:22) 下一个


虽然我挣钱不多,但我心安理得,我没有去蒙骗,用的是最真实的方式。我没有去造假、造声势,利用各种机会来取得成功、收获名利。我每年都在发专辑,丁武在干什么?如果你是真诚的,即使你去扫大街,也没人会看不起你。如果有一天我的音乐走到头了,我就宁可去扫大街,也决不拿以前的辉煌来继续混饭吃 ... 看看现在,哪里还有音乐,除了歌就是歌。到处都是妖风邪气,我很反感。我鄙视这些。我鄙视红地毯,我鄙视星光灿烂的人物。到处都是娱乐,但是否真的可乐?愚蠢的乐。这些都是盛世之后带起来的,盛世在前。音乐现在这样,都是被那些人搞坏的。盛世不是喊出来的,而应该是反映出来的,大家都被人家忽悠了 ... 从2000年开始,我一直以谨慎的态度,来观察、对待这些事。我本以为会有所改观,一直抱有希望,所以我在从事这个,一直埋头苦干音乐。但是2008年奥运就要来了,情况却并没有改变。我们就这样迎接奥运?奥运是这么办的吗?这会给别人留下怎样的印象?我是一个土生土长的北京人,我爱北京。所以我要提醒大家。

[文章来源: 南都周刊]

[Unfortunately, it has become more and more difficult to find good quality albums by D. W. (because of his struggle to run against the grain) since I left China. But the little I have known about his music is enough to reflect the massive garbage produced in the music market in China. I hope more music lovers will learn about the meaning of an artistic spirit and support artists like D. W. ---Z.Z.]

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作舟诗集 回复 悄悄话 well-said!!!!!!

知凡 回复 悄悄话 music [pop/rock] wise, Dou Wei is the best in China in my humble opinion....(artistic opinion:)

Instrumentally, Dou Wei is better than Cui Jian..... but again, i don't really like comparing artists i like....



“。。。看看现在,哪里还有音乐,除了歌就是歌。到处都是妖风邪气,我很反感。我鄙视这些。我鄙视红地毯,我鄙视星光灿烂的人物。到处都是娱乐,但是否真的可乐?愚蠢的乐。这些都是盛世之后带起来的,盛世在前。音乐现在这样,都是被那些人搞坏的。盛世不是喊出来的,而应该是反映出来的,大家都被人家忽悠了 ...”


... music lovers will learn about the meaning of an artistic spirit and support artists like D. W.
z.z. 回复 悄悄话 confession: [only between u & me]

once back home visiting, z.z. surprised some old friends by singing cui jian's songs at a karaoke bar . . . wow! you still remember chinese, friends asked while filling my beer glass ...

wx000 回复 悄悄话 都好听, 特别是"上帝保佑"。 sd, yy, 谢谢分享!
lz, 什麽是"歌声紧"?
by水滴 回复 悄悄话 ZZ  你冤枉好人么!不是我有意“Hide", 而是博客本身的问题。:))

I generally don't like Rock. nothing to do with the artists. To me, Rock is good for 渲泄,but lack the sense of aesthetics. :) I might be getting old..:)))

DW sound an honest artisit to me for sure, unwilling to bend and has a lot of courage! I am not surprised that ZZ loves him. :) I bet that if ZZ sings, he would sing like DW! :)
作舟诗集 回复 悄悄话 SD,

you shouldn't play hide-and-seek with us.... :))

you know your posts are always appreciated.....!!

music is really personal, like poetry ....

Instrumentally, Dou Wei is better than Cui Jian..... but again, i don't really like comparing artists i like....

i suppose you know about music....how music is made, right??


i think what your friend said about him is believable.....

i posted Bob Dylan before.....China needs more than one Bob Dylan....

"Keep rocking in the real world!"

--Neil Young


律周 回复 悄悄话 朋友们说他是个挺实在的挺哥们的艺术家。
律周 回复 悄悄话 前几年北京的一个朋友酒吧开业见他在前面唱歌,后来过来喝了一杯,感觉他说话的声音很平和,歌声紧。
by水滴 回复 悄悄话 xixi....

ZZ should give SD some credit.:)))) She posted the fist one with lyric. :))))

Music wise, I don't like much. Lyric wise, he is somewhat close to CuiJian's style.
y.y. 回复 悄悄话 : 觉是

作舟诗集 回复 悄悄话 Thanks YY for posting the songs!!!!

They bring back the memory of seeing Dou Wei and the band, HeiBao, in 1992[93?] in Qingdao....with Cui Jian, they were the best Chinese concerts I've been to!!

I really like his quieter songs like "上帝保佑" ... they seem to have a higher quality both instrumentally and lyrically....

Please post more [if you can find songs besides these two albums]....
y.y. 回复 悄悄话 one more: 上帝保佑


by水滴 回复 悄悄话 this should be DW's piece..:)
作舟诗集 回复 悄悄话 sd,

if you haven't heard/listened his music, you need to catch up!!


i am not kidding....with music, i am just as picky as i am with poetry ...到处都是娱乐,但是否真的可乐?愚蠢的乐。这些都是盛世之后带起来的,盛世在前...!!!!

music [pop/rock] wise, Dou Wei is the best in China in my humble opinion....

Fye Wang belongs to those "shooting stars" whose flames die soon after the talents run out....
by水滴 回复 悄悄话 I never had chance to listen to his music. All I know about him is that he is 王菲's ex-husband. Now he was laughed at by those "stars" because he is "poor"....sighs.

btw. I don't like Ms Wang's singing (now she is Mrs Li, isn't she?)

From what you quoted, DW doesn't sound "poor" at all.