
an altogether other ...

(2006-04-22 10:54:20) 下一个

For Beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror, which we still can bear, and we admire it so because it serenely distains to destroy us.

---Rilke, "The First Dunio Elegy"

[watercolor by henry miller]

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y.y. 回复 悄悄话 happy everyday:)
z.f. 回复 悄悄话 oops!

my english needs improvement . . . indeed a lot of improvement. . .

thanks YY

happy SUN-day!

y.y. 回复 悄悄话 oops!

my chinese needs improvement . . . indeed a lot of improvement. . .


z.f. 回复 悄悄话 yy: his painting style (line, form or color) is relatatively similar to what modern computer graphic technology can do.

but in his painting, the creative spirit cannot be copied at all . . .


y.y. 回复 悄悄话 YY, 我想你明白我的意思了

not really :)

his painting style (line, form or color) is relatatively similar to what modern computer graphic technology can do.

but in his painting, the creative spirit cannot be copied at all . . .

z.f. 回复 悄悄话 “Mageritte's style? not in those pics, i have not posted yet :)”

YY, 我想你明白我的意思了:)

我说的是有点儿STYLE的感觉没有说真有其STYLE,人的情感是相通的,感觉总是能“沾亲带故”的:) "free imaginative power and the primative returning...."

y.y. 回复 悄悄话 Mageritte's style? not in those pics, i have not posted yet :)

i love his challenging ordinary reality and breaking our habitual view about the world. in his painting, no past, o present, no future... time suspends or a moment eternal
z.z. 回复 悄悄话 Miller did not strive for "magical realism"....

Like you, zf, I too use my feelings and imagination when I write ...

Like what you said ...

Being "philosophical" means one is thinking ...

z.f. 回复 悄悄话 我很喜爱米勒和他的画,米勒对 the Greeks 也情有独钟。。。我也喜欢Chagall...

zz: "free imaginative power and the primative returning...."

As far
as my eyes can reach
the hands of dreams
are holding a silent
rose of words

我很喜欢这句文字里潜影的images。。。我的想像和感觉里,这里的画面感觉很类似米勒这幅画和Chagall某些画里的感觉,如“Fusion of lost/fragrance”的感觉...


YY,你下面的图确有点儿 Mageritte's style的感觉。。。但你肯定又要笑我好哲思:)。。。其实不是,我是靠感觉直觉有时甚至是我的四肢加肚皮:)在感觉诗歌和艺术,说出来居然被认成“哲学思考”让我感觉自己似乎被人拔高了似的:))。。。但我在 Mageritte的画里能感觉到他对“谜”与神秘的某种“清晰"与"细致”,我还不能很好地用我自己的语言表达我对他的画的感受,但那是我所能感觉到的Mageritte的“神”。。。我理解他在创作时一定不会去感觉什么是什么而是凭借灵感的静静来临,他耐心细致地描绘捕捉到的灵感与感受让我叹服。。。所有让我叹服的美的艺术,something eternal....

作舟诗集 回复 悄悄话 miller loved chagall....i remember reading his piece on chagall....about the free imaginative power and the primative returning....
y.y. 回复 悄悄话 yes!!! this painting reminds me of Chagall's . . .the black lines and primitive colors, especially form-free


"Rilke's words have the classical quality of Grief and Beauty....something eternal....like the Greeks...."

love what you said!!!
作舟诗集 回复 悄悄话 his writerly watercolors are as inspiring as those masters'....for me, at least :)

Rilke's words have the classical quality of Grief and Beauty....something eternal....like the Greeks....
y.y. 回复 悄悄话 so well-said!!! very thought-provoking . . .

really love this painting of Miller!!!