March 14, Sunny
She has a mullet
Older than the other
Dark haired, heavily attired
Partner, or girlfriend rather?
No sleek, womanly forms
Nor painted fingers walking
On pointy stilts in tight skirts
They are not sexy, not
The head-turning type
There they are
Locked in each other’s arms
Hands over nape
On the sunny street corner
Where buses converge
First, they touched lips
Saying goodbye
Then it turned into a French
Kiss: savoring deep
Into each other’s flavors
Writhing with appetite
Invisible squirming
Downright obsessive
. . . .
A poem is often “incidental”
Like witnessing the kiss
Behind the wheel
On a sunny street corner
Between the two women
Like twisting silken scarves
into a fancy knot
What is a kiss?
What is a poem, in this matter?
Remember the joke?
“What does a human need
a tongue for?”
Anyway, one thing is for sure
That I am happy to be living
In the world of love
creativity comes from LOVE, i believe.....love of fellow human beings, animals, nature....the whole universe.....
when LOVE is incomplete, one's art is destined to be handicapped....
your thoughtful comments make this blog worth continuing...
cheers, all!!
thank you for sharing beautiful things make me Think always...
我这里所说的“美”不是那种标准的美,我指的是那些能 nourish us 的“美”,比如这首诗歌里的瞬间。。。
"I have no money, no resources, no hopes. I am the happiest man alive."
米勒会这样说,以他无论在何种境地,无论和怎样的人在一起,他都能感到被 nourished。。。找到“美”感。。。另外与他无尽的创造力有关,无尽的创造力又来自什么都能 nourish 他。。。比方说啃猪蹄儿:)))))))))))
i think my poem has "purified" the moment...:)
ZF: "...看到美使人快乐,快乐的人常看到美..."
well said!!
thanks guys!!
“What does a human need
a tongue for?”
Anyway, one thing is for sure
That I am happy to be living
In the world of love
“i think "自由" is actually not the ultimate goal in life....
the happiest person[s] are those who can still love, share love through doing beautiful things, such as creative things or helping each other....“
to be honest, at first i was not sure about writing it....
but then, i thought watching two women so passionately kissing on the street doesn't happen very often....:))