This poem was written when the Emperor of Tang could have had 3000 concubines, and many of them never had a chance to meet the Son of Heaven,
not to mention to have intercourse with him to produce more bastards of the Dragon Family.
In this little poem, written by one of the most beloved poets of
When the husband died, she was supposed to, according the Confucius doctrine, die with him. She had no need to live any longer, that is. She should not have strong emotions like the ocean’s wave. Her feelings are so peaceful, unworthy and unnoticeable that it was like the water in a well. What a metaphor!
The woman was less human, in other words. She, after marriage, became merely part of her husband or children’s lives. She didn’t need a name; She didn’t need to speak her mind; She didn’t need to have a voice; No one expected her to have her own feelings except live and serve and die with her man. A free slave, so to speak.
Not a word of love is mentioned in poems of this sort. Love was too much for her. Love had nothing to do with her. “Happiness” of Chinese style could exist without love. How about exchanging Fear with Love?
There is so much crap in the immortal texts that make me want to kick their ancient ass!! Any one, I don’t care how fucking great he or she is revered, who writes such words or harbors such backward thoughts does not deserve the name, Poet. He or she is no better than a bathroom scribbler.
This little, seemingly perfect poem of laud stinks with heartless dogmatism and uncivilized mind! It shows us where some of the cruelty and stupidity came from.
Of course, this type of texts exists in every culture.
Beware of all the unchecked old, crappy, stinky stuff they call “culture” or “art”!!!!
z.z. 2006
glad our thoughts have so much in common!!
wow! zf, what passionate response!!!
you are right on the "僵尸文化"!!!
such heritage is for cowards and hypocrites[spelling?]!!!
thank you for adding from where i left out...!!!
i have read some people's reviews on classical Chinese poetry, but they seem to have missed the points.....
i am surprised that such obvious examples of 狗屁思维 have not been discussed widely.....
"Not a word of love is mentioned in poems of this sort. Love was too much for her. “Happiness” of Chinese style could exist without love. How about exchanging Fear with Love?" !!!!!!
来试着解析一下这首狗屁诗。。。“梧桐相待老,鸳鸯会双死”先言他物以引起所言之物,起兴,可是,这位狗屁诗人("He or she is no better than a bathroom scribbler.":)
文化属于精神财富,可是我们的文化成分里有多少僵尸文化的成分。。。这种僵尸文化的灌输即使到现在,没有100%的影响力,对不同的人也有70%,50%,30%, 20%,10%等等不同的影响力,而这种影响,一个人无数的人构成社会文化环境,按照那位狗屁诗人的思维方式进行思考的人大有人在。。。最后受这种文化影响的人,也就是说不成僵尸,也大都沦陷于“井”中。。。
作舟最近的几篇微型小说,放弃对小说里人物的“然之”与“功之”,且来“非之”。。。【不测】里两条蛔虫,“我没有枉来一世,我是成功者!这也是你的骄傲!”身陷无形的“井”中,最后被马桶冲入下水道。。。“HER STORY”,读“她”的故事,我的第一直觉是“她”的心陷于一口无形的“井”中,很有点类似“妾心井中水”。。。如果看得清楚一点,还和“贞妇贵殉夫,舍生亦如此。”沾边带故,原文里,“She stresses on the P. H. D. like a young mother telling people her child’s name.”她的丈夫是个根本不存在的狗屁“P. H. D.”,那或许是她脑子里理想的伴侣??我不敢断言。。。“Her Story” is mystery…no answer… 可作为一位普通读者,觉得如此美丽可爱的女人,她值得活得更自由更有生命力。。。文化,社会环境,性格或多或少让我不难深入她的故事来“然之”,it is life。。。【情书】里更不用说,“在这热血沸腾的年代,我们一定要把握好机遇,加入党组织只是万里长征的第一步。”上一辈的长征路的尽头怎样不用说,沦陷无形的“井”中。。。下一辈继承父辈的精神,“追求”进了有形的“井” -- 牢狱。。。
Beware of all the unchecked old, crappy, stinky stuff they call “culture” or “art”!!!!
If I HATE anything, Confucius doctrine is my first pick!!
非洲的女性割礼 is one of the most astonishing, stupidest human behavior existing....!!!!
at least, they didn't put it in their classical literature as a praising song...
thanks for the input!!!