
InSide the Whale

(2005-12-29 20:49:04) 下一个

: where am I?
: You're inside a sperm whale, obviously. :)
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影云 回复 悄悄话 G. Orwell: The attitude is 'let's swallow it whole"

影云 回复 悄悄话 love this one too :)

it looks okay on my pc, i think maybe the image is a little bit wide :)

very nice composition . . . love the title too :)
LTG 回复 悄悄话 sorry.....don't know why this one is crooked....

does it appear to be crooked on your pcs??
知凡 回复 悄悄话 wow!!! really love this one, fantastic!!! unbelievable!!!

full of imagination, joy and fun....love it!!!
