

(2005-12-07 21:00:40) 下一个
... 形體以成,五藏乃形,是故肺主目,腎主鼻,膽主口,肝 主耳。 外為表而內為裏,開閉張歙,各有經紀。故頭之圓也象天,足之 方也象地。天有四時、 五行、九解、三百六十六日,人亦有四 支、五藏、九竅、三百六十六節。 天有風雨寒暑,人亦有取與喜怒。 故膽為雲,肺為氣,肝為風,腎為雨,脾為雷,以與天地相參也, 而心為之主。 是故耳目者日月也,血氣者風雨也。 日中有踆烏,而月中有蟾蜍。日月失其行,薄蝕無光;風雨非 其時,毀折生災;五星失其行,州國受殃。 --from 淮南子.精神训 seen on ZF's blog...thank you!
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影云 回复 悄悄话 wow! very detailed!!! thanks!!!
i will try it this weekend if not that busy . . .

i used to search for songs from Baidu.com or a russian website; however, that section of that site seems gone now (maybe some copyrights issue) . . . anyway, if i find a good music, i will let all you know. :)

have a nice day and weekend!!!
by水滴 回复 悄悄话 1.GO to this website and down load a decoded software. ( I don't know whether it is legal or not, but everyone does this. This might be an outdated version, so it is decoded.


2. Buy a microphone. I bought one Shure (?) SM 57. This one is good enought for amateur. Cost $89 in Ebay (shipping included)

3. Need a sound card to connect microphone and computer.

4. For the Chines songs, you can go to www.wo99.com. You can down load the background music for free. But they don't have much ENglish songs.

5. FOr the English songs, you can use your own CD or down load from Music sharing web (YY must know much better), then transfer it to the software. In the software, there is a function called "vocal cut". FOr some songs, it works.

I am only a beginner. Not knowing much. This is all I know..:))
影云 回复 悄悄话 我也是觉得,如果水滴干脆一不做二不休,地放开声音,会更自然和自如 (模仿里,

LTG 回复 悄悄话 SD, the "flavor" in your song/voice makes you sound like a 藏族的.....reminding me of other Tibetan singers....a little, i mean ....



great idea!!!!!
知凡 回复 悄悄话 影云的声音我想想都好听,还有美鱼儿,黄衫儿。。。在水滴的影响下,要是有时间大家都运运气,说不定可以组成一个女声合唱团:))))))我上次看了一个少女合唱团的表演,不唱歌词的,用声音演唱,觉得真好听。。。要不咱也试一试:))))))
by水滴 回复 悄悄话 YY: You are exactly right. The biggest difference between an amateur and a professional is their ability to control the air flow and the vocal cord vibration. This is the area that I need to practice but don't know how.:((

LTG: This one sound hard, but actually not very hard to sing, believe it or not.

ZF: Thanks for listening. Hope you can sing someday. :)

I tried hard to sing Rock n' Roll, need more practice. :)
影云 回复 悄悄话 行家说不上,感觉而已:)
知凡 回复 悄悄话 谢谢水滴的歌声!影云是行家!!
LTG 回复 悄悄话 SD,

this is a difficult song to sing....

you must have been singing for a loooooong time, no?? [hard to follow the words though....]

thanks so much for sharing!!!

do you sing rock n' roll?


YY: ...如果气运用的好,可以更好听:)

yeah...time to 运气...!!!
影云 回复 悄悄话 很革命的歌曲;)
LTG 回复 悄悄话 ok, i will try again....thanks!!
by水滴 回复 悄悄话 Most computer can play. SOme computers can only play my voice, but no background but music, which is not cool.:(( You have to waite until the pre-melody pass, then the voice will show. I don't know how to fix it.
LTG 回复 悄悄话 歌词带有一些大汉族的思维...:)

somehow it is not playing on my PC....

by水滴 回复 悄悄话 非常喜欢“天路”的曲子。很美。曲是藏族曲作家洛桑写的。歌词是一个汉族歌词作家写的。歌词带有一些大汉族的思维。多多少少让我感到有点美中不足。

LTG 回复 悄悄话 SD:

喜: 伤心 ...!!!

that's where the phrase "伤心" came from!!!!

so, i should try not to be too "happy" from now on....:))))


by水滴 回复 悄悄话 typo: should be 黄帝。
by水滴 回复 悄悄话 阴阳五行说据说是皇帝创立的,到汉武帝淮南王编书的时候,理论大概已经很成熟了。


作舟诗集 回复 悄悄话 thank you for your post!!!! like it very much.....
知凡 回复 悄悄话 我也喜欢你摘录的这些,这些是我喜欢的“中国文化”。。。

