
from J. B.

(2005-11-01 17:40:34) 下一个
"The real history of consciousness starts when one tells the first lie!" ---Joseph Broadsky
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知凡 回复 悄悄话 "心灵颂!" !!!




LTG 回复 悄悄话 所谓的"欢乐颂"是好莱坞的噱头,而诗歌的最高境界应该是"心灵颂!"

知凡 回复 悄悄话 这句诗虽然只有一句,其蕴涵我当时读到时便触发了我的一些思考。。。

"the opposite of poetry is lie[s], or what's 'untrue'..."

“the liars lie and sadness keeps growing inside human's psyche...."


LTG 回复 悄悄话 u r welcome!!
知凡 回复 悄悄话 "the opposite of poetry is lie[s], or what's 'untrue'..."

“for the better, one should realize what "makes a person lie!"”

"the hopelessness about a given social reality is that the liars lie and sadness keeps growing inside human's psyche...."


Pawned stars


The unsaved tears

Are applauded

By a bunch of liars

LTG 回复 悄悄话 the opposite of poetry is lie[s], or what's 'untrue'...

so, when a person[m/f] lies to him/herself or others, no matter under what circumstances, his/her consciousness is at work....

sensation is different from the act of telling a lie....

for the better, one should realize what "makes a person lie!"

the hopelessness about a given social reality is that the liars lie and sadness keeps growing inside human's psyche....
知凡 回复 悄悄话 History = his story...

"The real history of consciousness starts when one tells the first lie!"

His real story of consciousness starts when he tells the first lie!

How about his real sensation???
知凡 回复 悄悄话 Pawned stars


The unsaved tears

Are applauded

By a bunch of liars


影云 回复 悄悄话 Love this quote!!! Very true . . .

A lie is on purpose to manipulate facts and twist reality even if it is for good will. When one says it, he/she already knows when, where, why, how, what . . . of it… and will carry it on and on. . .

Just a thought . . .