Release your specifications and say to the Universe: “Find me where you know I need to be.” Let them go and trust that the Universe will provide, and so it shall.
Gary Zukav
The Seat of the Soul
The goal of pleasing others is to avoid experiencing emotions that are too painful or shameful to confront. Pleasing others is a technique to isolate you from your fear of losing love.
Gary Zukav & Linda Francis
The Heart of the Soul
Let go of what you think is just reward. Let go. Trust. Create. Be who you are. The rest is up to your nonphysical Teachers and the Universe.
Gary Zukav
The Seat of the Soul
Passion is the unfolding of joy.
Gary Zukav & Linda Francis
The Heart of the Soul
Emotions that pass through you and are used to manipulate other people are like ripples on the surface of the ocean. They are not the same as currents that run deep.
Gary Zukav & Linda Francis
The Heart of the Soul
Spiritual growth is replacing survival as the central objective of the hu-_man experience.
Gary Zukav & Linda Francis
The Heart of the Soul
The club that kills can drive a stake into the ground to hold a shelter. The hands that build bombs can be used to build schools. The minds that coordinate the activities of violence can coordinate the activities of cooperation. When the activities of life are infused with reverence, they come alive with meaning and purpose.
Gary Zukav
The Seat of the Soul
task, for the advanced or expanding mind is to expand to a level at which questions that cannot be answered from within the accepted understanding of truth can be answered.
Gary Zukav
The Seat of the Soul
Gary's bio:
Born in Texas, grew up in Kansas, graduated from Harvard, and served in Vietnam as a Green Beret officer. He thus describes himself in his self-intro.:"I have grown older my anger and sexual addiction have been replaced by a passion for creating authentic power – the alignment of the personality with the soul. The more pain I see in the world, the more I see how it can be used to find and transform the parts of ourselves that are creating so violently and destructively into parts that create consciously and constructively. I see the potential for a new world being born in front of me and all around me, and I feel the only way to bring that potential into being is to know myself, and where necessary, change myself, to create authentic power, to align personality with soul, and I love sharing what I know about how to do that."
i am imagining now - - - mmmmmm, a pointer that points, just kidding :)
sweet dream:)
g o o d 9
goodie nitie :)
didn't work
with r.c.
i must be
t i r e d
p a o t i l a
p a o t i l a
what a night!!!
please keep your
spirits high!!!!
see you all
in a better
good dreams!!!
[rc, r u in China?]
OOpes, Pao ti la again...:))
a perfect couple
con- -tra - - di - - -ctory
but make a life compleeeeeeeeeete
we taste bitterness of miserable then
know the sweetness of happiness
Feed yourself now
Good nite
y w e r e l i k e m
y s o u l s p i r i
t t h a t d o n o t
n e e d t o e a t
t o s l e e p t o
g o t o m a k e $
l i k e n o w m y
b o d y i s d r y
t i r e d h u n g
r y s l e e p y
p o e t r y
so that
h e a r t
can hear
i t
: )
poetry is low in sound bite, so low, it's a whisper of l-o-v-e---------
seems like we are talking about other things...hahaha....pao ti le!!!
side tracked???
poetry does not need a big "audience".....only like-minded friends, 3 or 5, gather from time to time, have a chat, a drink, maybe a party :)
[forgot who said that!]
Oh, I met LTG more than two years ago. YY has been his "iron rod fan", I am not...:))) His poems got a lot of attack from the others, but LTG had a very thick face and sharp teeth. He can bite and tear you apart! OOpes, shouldn't reveal his "shortcoming"...:)))
I believe you will have more parties like this to throw : )
mmmm, ltg says, “happiness is not easy to find, but when you have found it, never hesitate to claim it.”
Confucious nods , true, true true ;)
i have had a day of happiness : )
you almost missed the party!
like your new poem too!!
thanks for coming!
hope you all had a day full of happiness!!
"happiness" is not easy to find, but when you have found it, never hesitate to claim it!
( LTG said that :)
I started to read LTG’s poems from the last minute of the last day of last year and became one of his fans right away:)
And then I met Qiu-ling, and now I meet you...:)
RC: thanks. : )
LTG: love your new poem!!! Flowing like water:
“Maybe the life of the soul
Is a circle
Without beginning
Without ending
Love is happiness though happiness can happen to be somewhere else : )
thank you for calling my response a poem....
thanks to the inspiration i got from everyone, a new poem is on its way:)
please do not apologize for making friends on here....my "poetry room" is much bigger than my home, hahaha.....
Nice to see you stop by! Greetings! I haven't be here for a long time. Just recently remembered to come back. But I find myself being hooked again. When you have time, welcom to join the "useless" discusion here..
LTG: Excuse me for inviting without the host permission.:))
ZF, good sense of humor!!
i am learning from all of you at the same time!!
"blogging" is a very good way for people to share some valuable ideas [not just stock market info.!]
nowadays, people's lives are filled with business and busyness, we hardly have any time to take care of our soul....
it seems fine for the "bodies" to walk, eat, shit, eat, work, sleep, eat, work etc...without a soul...."dead" men walking....:)
so many of them!!!!
i am happy to hear all the thoughts from you and it seems to be the meaning of blogging, right????
cheers again!
Hi LTG, like I said before, I am one of your fans! Qiu ling knew it:)
many young girls are fans of movie star or pop star.
I feel I am very young now because I am a fan too.:))
"Truth is worth to seek." Feeling! Being!! Creating!!!
"Life is a circle." Evolve! involve!! Resolve!!!
A lot of passion and energy between the lines....I am charged..:)))
LTG: Your should revise the "Love and Happiness" poem and post it on the top. We can continue our discussion under a new title...:))
i feel flattered :)
Hi, Qiu-ling,
How r u!
i wish i had wings like yours so that i can fly like clouds :))
Just stop by and enjoy your discussion very much as usual.
Bye, I'm floating away like a cloud~~~~
I love poems here because
poetry is a kind of seek-i-n-g-
you'll never "find" it
but IT's there
always & makes this life
worth living
Love is Happiness!!!!
Good thinker! original thinker! Great poet! :))))
rrrreally really tru::ly enjoy reading all your intelligent
Mature passionate honest words
On love soul heart happiness
. . . .
thankyou for making me Think!!!
There is always a teacher
When one travels with three friends
Confucius said that:)
are love and happiness 2 separate things??
I am coming to realize that
To be able to love is Happiness!
The ability to love!
Different cultures, religions, etc. have come
To more or less the same kind of conclusion.
Love by loving
Love by creating
Love by protecting
Love by being
Love by sacrificing
Love by suffering
Etcetera etcetera etcetera
But Love is only one of the many
Wonders we experience in Life
Aren’t you happy when you can cry
Feel up and feel down
Taste the bitter leaves of love
Or drink the sweet juice of giving?
Is it Give and Take?
Lost and Found?
People say:
Unconditional love!
What’s that???
Are children [us] aware of
Unconditional love from our parents?
Are we seeking other kinds of Luv?
poetry is a kind of seek-i-n-g-
you'll never "find" it
but IT's there
always & makes this life
worth living
. . . .
How little do we know!
How much do we know!!
Maybe the life of the soul
Is a circle
Without beginning
Without ending
Let's talk about something new OR
find or get the answers of the questions that cannot be answered from within the accepted understanding of truth.:))
nice to meet you!!!
I remembered there is a Chinese phrase "Only study without thinking make people lazy, only thinking without study make people confused." Guess we have to find a fine balance between study and thinking.
The same as you, I found myself read less than I used to...Indeed, aged...:))
Happiness is another topic. One thing I know is that pleasure is not happiness. :)
“I do not seek, I find.”“One never stops seeking because one never finds.”
“Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking.”
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. ”
关于灵魂,我非常赞同RC所说:“I believed that the origin of "soul" is like an ocean. The soul reside in us is like a drop of water, after we die, the drop of water will return to the ocean….”
所以“SOUL has always been THERE long before we were born!!!!”(LTG)
“what's new is our own experience, mostly importantly, our spiritual experience...”
我想正是因为海洋里的每一滴水都是独一无二的,也就是我们的灵魂是独一无二的,所以我觉得我们自己的心灵体验唯一有可能会是新的,也是唯一有可能有创造的…… 那正是为什么诗人的诗歌会让我有震动和感动我的地方,因为诗人特别是用心灵写作的诗人,他们在创作……
“Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing.”
因此 “HAPPINESS” 又是另一个很大的命题。:)
RC's “In order to live a fulfilled life, one should satisfy his/her self-interest, his passion (selfish) and meanwhile benefit the others (altruism). Focusing on either end won't bring happiness.” - - - wow, art of being! True, we have duel roles which are inseparable through our life: an individual and a node of a society.
I am okay with Fromm, not particularly interested in him - - - his words (out of his minds) sound too "clear" to me, lack of the "vagueness" or "tenderness" that I can or need to feel. In the word that RC used, dissecting - - - which means scientific and reasonable, but not that touching hearts. I don't like being hammered but vibrating together. Glad that we have so many great minds before us, who have brought their best to us - - - altruism.
i really really love our "chatting" here - - - i have never thought i could be this "talktive". After English 1C (Critical Thinking - - - something suffocating too when i thought of Grade) I have not "Thought" much, but lived through each day. Now i feel like a tree embracing sunshine :)
Thanks, Pals :):)
Personally, I think that in order tp live a fulfilled life, one should satisfy his/her self-interest, his passion (selfish) and meanwhile benefit the others (altruism). Focusing on either end won't bring happiness.
Writing poem is a good example. The poet has a need to write and the readers can enjoy his/her writing.
“the world moves forward because of contradictions/conflicts” - - - my mom always says that too : )
I always think artists create not for eternity, but capture the moment of enlightenment. : ) yes! Nothing is lasting forever . . .
Yeah, poetry does make more sense. I come to realize if we follow philosophy or some intellectual too much, the way we think can be influenced and shadowed. But reading is a shortcut for us to understand the world and us.
That’s why someone say, something creates us, also destroys us. Oops, another contradictory :)
I know it’s true, but I have to say, a heart who keeps pleasing others can be burdened, which means ultimate losing love.
Emotions that pass through you and are used to manipulate other people are like ripples on the surface of the ocean. They are not the same as currents that run deep.
I like this one which causes me to think of the contradictory mentioned earlier. The currents running deep are forces bringing us to the state of maturity and self-completion. Whatever floats above it is ephemeral. That’s why I think this transformation will lead to two souls facing each other equally. Maybe I misunderstand “pleasing others”, which can also be interpreted as “bringing joy to others willingly” not from a distorted heart that is full of fears of losing.
still thinking and combing my thoughts - - - but glad that it makes me THINK :)
it is not surprising that if we find some point-of-views contradictory... actually, it will be helpful if we can face the "contradictions" with some mature ways of looking at Life in the face!!
For example, what we do is mostly "contradictory"---humans contradict themselves all the time!!! Many things we do daily are not all aligned with our inner needs, but we do it anyway. No one forces us. Or, we don't know who/what forces us.
Artists, poets, etc., want to create though they know "nothing" last.... isn't that contradictory??
The only thing i remember from high school is that "the world moves forward because of contradictions/conflicts" :)
As i say these words, i realize that it is hard not to "philosofy" it....for me, poetry makes more sense :)
Rc, I am reading Fromm’s The Art of Being and will share with you you you when I finish that book : )
Thank you for the feedback!!
rc wrote:
"A real poet, a serious scientist or a person who truelly appreciate the aesthetical aspects of the universe will ultimately choose to walk this spiritual path."
Yes, i think the spiritual world is far more "richer" or enriching than the material world!!!
I am sure you'll have a lot to talk about E. F.'s book with YY!!
This "soul" stuff is surely not easy to talk about, well, what's easy?? :)
in writing and practicing art, or practicing kindness in general, i think we all need "mindfulness"....
soul is there....it requires mindfulness to realize it and consumate it!!!
"reading club" is a great idea :)
more later!
Due to the discussion, this weekend I picked up one of Eric Fromm's book "Escape from Freedom" that I bought long time ago, but never read and forgot. When I finish, I can share something with you and YY and the new friend "Zhi Fan".
Zhi Fan:
Good to meet you. Not many people share the same interest as we are discussing here, because those things are not popular and practical...Glad we have one more friend..Maybe we should organize a "reading club" and exchange thoughts after we read something..It should be possible, just need to figure out how..:)