

(2004-12-31 20:03:18) 下一个
灵魂安详地坐在窗台上 表盘像十字架 安慰着生者 催眠变成深奥的哲学 窗外, 一条高速公路 插入树林的心脏 一支烧了五十年的香 把死者的微笑熏黄 那张旧唱片 是说服上帝的见证 楼梯上记载了 反叛的全过程 如果死亡可以重复 他会在天堂被嘉奖 用另一种语言阅读历史 文字是烧不断的桥梁 2003
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影云 回复 悄悄话 Realism

Soul sits at the window peacefully
Face of the clock, a cross
Condoling the living
Hypoesthesia becomes abstract philosophy

Outside the window, a highway
Stabbing into the heart of woods
Incense burnt for fifty years
Has smoked the smile of dead

The old phonograph record
Is the witness of persuading god
A staircase evidencing
The whole process of rebellion

If Death could repeat himself
He would be awarded in the heaven

Reading history in another language
A word is a bridge
That cannot be burnt down