

(2007-02-10 01:12:22) 下一个



一次带曰曰去上Group lessons,见他神色低沉,从他与另一个家长的谈话中知道,有个孩子回家不肯练琴,来上课时,他说“你拒绝练琴,我也只好拒绝教琴,请你回去练过后,再来上课”他说,“你看,我多坏......,那天下午他对自己进行了禁食的惩罚。就是这样一个善良的老人,因为语言的关系,我们没有太多的交流,但我们全家都喜欢他。


曰曰刚转到他那儿学琴时,他刚刚第一次癌症手术痊愈,看上去精神很好。一年多以后,Mr. Masluk 说自己的时间可能不多了,需要花多一些精力来整理他创作的音乐作品,是该退出教学生涯的时候了。那个孩子们告别演出结束时,家长孩子们神色凝重地先生依依惜别,在握住老人手的那一刻,我的眼泪涌出来,道一声珍重,再说不出更多的话来。事实上那次曰曰并没有真的离开他们老师,因为Mr.Masluk还是留了几个心爱的学生,希望在他有生之年多培养几个孩子……

我敦促着曰曰用心练琴,希望回去上课时不会让他太失望。可有一天,从choir class回来的曰曰却带来了“Mr.Masluk病了......”的消息。“我们去看他......”,“妈妈,还是不要去了,那只会让他更伤心,我们也更伤心......”曰曰的理由确实但不充分,我一直惦念着“也不知道Mr.Masluk好了没有......”却也对曰曰的倔强无可奈何。

前天给曰曰choirbee老师打电话,bee提到Mr.Masluk去年9月份就已经走了,而且她告诉过曰曰,那一刻我都明白了,曰曰为了不让我难过,隐瞒了实情。“这孩子......” 儿子性格倔强,说话又冲又硬,像极了他的dad。可我倔强的宝贝儿子,又有多么细腻柔软的心怀,只有11岁的他已经懂得心疼、呵护妈妈了。



钢琴的旁边我摆了鲜花,卡片上写下了“安息吧,尊敬的先生,我们永远怀念你!”曰曰在他的文中写道,“I was sorry that I had been such a lazy student. I guess it is too late now because he has vanished from the Earthbut I will always remember him. Remember Eugene Masluk.

我说,“There will be a lot of regrets in our lives since human beings are smug and stubborn. But also,regrets are our teachers if we are smart. I hope you have learnt something deep in your heart.



As I play piano, I remember my teacher. The famous Eugene Masluk. He was my teacher for over 2 years but he recently passed away. He died after getting cancer for the second time. He was in his mid 70’s and he was such a good man. He used to play piano concerts all over the world.

I miss going to his piano classes. We would always have a group class first. If we played a piece perfectly then we would earn money. I never got any money except once because I didn’t try my best to play flawless. There was one kid who always played and 9 out of 10 chances, he would go home with a dollar or 2 in his pocket. Now that my teacher is gone, I wish I had tried harder to play more efficiently. My teacher always remarked at my talent and said I could become a great piano player as long as I use my brain while playing piano and tried hard. I never did.

Then when the school year came to a close, my dad was working in China so we went back for the summer and that was the last I ever saw of him. 3 months passed and we came back.  One day when I was a choir practice, my teacher, Bee Chow told me sadly, Mr. Masluk had gone off to live the afterlife. It was sad to know that he was gone forever. I was sorry that I had been such a lazy student. I guess it is too late now because he has vanished from the Earth but I will always remember him. Remember Eugene Masluk.


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