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January 24, 1920

Dear Diary,

 This is my first entry in this diary. Let me tell you more about myself, Diary. My name is Mary Beth Franklin. I live in Calgary, Alberta, with my husband Bill, and my daughter Sarah. Bill’s nice, but a horrible alcoholic. He’s been going crazy since alcohol was prohibited in1916. I suspect he’s been drinking illegally at the nearby restaurants.

 I am very eager about my first diary,although I must be careful as to not let my husband find out. I bought this little book with money that I have saved up, since Bill does not approve of me writing. He thinks that men should be educated, while women should not be. He does not even consider women to be persons, even though women have legally been persons here in Alberta since 1917, by the order of the Supreme Court of Alberta. Before this, women were not allowed to hold most jobs or own property or land. Sadly, this law is only effective in Alberta. I hope that it will include all of Canada soon. I wish my husband was more accepting of the rights of women.

  Bill has recently been getting into the stock market, even though we barely have any money to spare from his farm. He keeps buying stocks,instead of using it to buy necessities. At least the stock market is showing signs of growth, meaning that hopefully, our money will increase.


November 18, 1922

Dear Diary,

 Things are getting better for us. The stock market has turned us into a wealthier family than before. Bill is still into farming, but his stocks are bringing in quite a profit.

 Now we are able to afford all of the necessities, as well as some luxuries. We have just bought our first radio!What a wonderful machine! It is a crystal radio. Sarah, who’s fascinated by this machine, told me that it uses a lead galena crystal and a cat whisker to work. It provides us with access to news everyday. We are constantly listeningt o the new radio stations, CFAC-AM and CFCN-AM.

 Another piece of exciting news! We went to see our first movie yesterday! We went to The Palace Theatre here in Calgary.We watched “Tess of the Storm Country”, starring Mary Pickford. Sarah loved seeing the pictures moving on the screen. I was especially moved by the role played by Miss Pickford.


September 29, 1924

Dear Diary,

 Alcohol has been legalized again!Prohibition has been lifted in Alberta, as well as several other provinces.There has been a great ruckus, with people rushing to celebrate at the local inns and taverns. Bill hurried there as soon as he heard the news. As soon as I put Sarah to bed, I dropped by the tavern to check how my husband was doing. He was stone drunk, lying on the table! Also, I saw the most surprising thing there. There were two flappers, I think they’re called, with the most ridiculous outfits. Their hair was in a bobbed fashion and they wore dresses up to their knees! The most astonishing thing was, they were drinking and smoking along with all of the men! Secretly, I think the hair is quite attractive, andl ong dresses are a bit bothersome, but I surely wouldn’t wear them all the wayup to the knee. I also heard a rumour that many women these days do not wear corsets.What a relief! Those things pinch my sides so painfully.


June 21, 1925

Dear Diary,

 Things have been going great for our family! We are becoming quite rich off the stock market. It just grows and grows, giving us more profit.

 I heard of a story that troubles me,though. There was a protest in the town of New Waterford in Nova Scotia against The British Empire Steel and Coal Company. Apparently, the company had threatened to cut electricity and drinking water off from the nearby town,resulting in the riot. Unfortunately, I have an uncle that lives in that area.I hope that he has not been harmed.


December 2nd, 1926

Dear Diary,

 I’ve heard some interesting things in the radio in the past while. On the 8th, Germany joined the League of Nations, while Spain withdrew from it. I think the League of Nations has a great goal, to uphold freedoms of people and solve disputes. I’m glad that Canada, as well as all the other British countries, is part of such a great organization.

 I also heard on the radio that in the last few weeks, there was an Imperial Conference in London, England. Out of this conference came the Balfour Declaration, stating that all dominions are equal in status to the United Kingdom. This pleases me, because it means that Canada is not subordinate to the UK.


August 31st, 1927

Dear Diary,

 We got another radio station, CJCJ-AM. I was listening yesterday, when I heard wonderful news! In our own Alberta, five determined women, nicknamed the “Famous Five”, have formed together to try to prove that women are persons in all of Canada. I highly admire Emily Murphy, Nellie McClung, Irene Parlby, Louise McKinney and Henrietta Edwards in their quest forjustice, but when I told Bill, he laughed and said that women will never be persons to him. I can’t believe it! I swear, when women are declared persons, I will have the courage to stand up to him and speak my mind.


May 2nd, 1928

Dear Diary,

 Disaster! The Supreme Court of Canada has made its verdict! Women are not to be considered persons! My husband is thrilled, but I feel that the judgement is unjust.

 On a lighter note, my cousin is coming to Canada! She is emigrating from England. I amexpecting her to arrive some time this week. She has quite a ways to travel,since she will be at Pier 21, the new ocean liner terminal and immigration shed. I hear that it is becoming very popular, sometimes even compared to EllisIsland in the US.


 Oh Diary, I read the funniest cartoon in the newspaper! I really hope the Famous Five will continue to fight for what is right.


October 25th,1929

 Oh joyous day! Women have finally been declared persons, on October 18th. Bill is disappointed, and I told him that I strongly agreed with the argument. He was astonished by my strong feelings, but said nothing. I think he finally respects me!

 Unfortunately,the stock market is showing signs of uncertainty. I hope this does not mean misfortune for our family.


October 29th,1929

 Tragedy! The stock market has crashed. Everyone’smoney is diminishing. Bill has put all of our assets into his stocks, so now wehave nothing. I can’t write too much more, we are packing to move to the city.Hopefully Bill will find a job there, and we can start anew.

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