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(2013-11-01 06:45:57) 下一个
The Normal Process: Serial Lives 

99.99% of Past Lives: How reincarnation works is that we live a series of lives - one after another - with spaces inbetween. In each life, we build on what we had learned in all our previous lives. This enables us to advance in love, joy, and awareness... and to move forward as Soul. 

Ancient Vikings' Story: It was a metaphor about the nature of life on Earth. We are compared to birds who suddenly flew into the opening near the roof of a dining hall where smoke was vented. We fly around from place to place. We play with some people by coming near them just to see their reaction. With others we gently rest on their shoulder to show our loving feelings for them. With still others we poke and peck at them to vent our anger. Just as suddenly as we entered, we exit through the smoke-hole on the other side of the room. Where the birds came from and went to was a mystery. All that was known was their time in the hall. 

Stock Market Trend: Although we learn in each life, those learnings depend on how we have lived our lives. We grow or fall behind in our ability to love. If we were to chart our progress, we would see that some lives are high points while others are low. Yet, if we look at the overall trend, it will be like a stock market chart where the trend is moving upward despite the different high and low points. 

Life-Death-Life Again: 99.99% of our lives on Earth follow this serial pattern. We are born. We live that life experiencing childhood, adulthood, and old age. We die. We review the results of our life just lived. We spend some time healing from our experiences in that last life. We decide what we want to do the next time around. We then commit to a new Life Contract and a time table for reincarnation. Then we are born... again. The cycle repeats itself, leaving discarnate spaces between live incarnations which create the serial pattern of lives. 

Between Lives: Some people, like me, choose to have short spaces between incarnations. Like the gambler who is certain they will win the next game if only they are allowed to play, "reincarnation junkies" come back all too soon. Most, sensibly, spend a good deal of time in the inner worlds healing and recovering before they choose to reincarnate. They plan their Life Contracts more carefully than the "junkies" do. Which way is best? Either way can work. What matters most in life is the not planning but the execution of growth in love, joy, and awareness.

Reincarnation Anomaly: Life-in-Womb

99.99% of Present Lives: How reincarnation works is that we must start all over again as an infant. In each life, we are like wet clay: made of past life ingredients but ready to be shaped and molded by pre-planned present life events. That new life experience can start inside the womb.

Life Begins: Ensoulment, the process by which a soul attaches to a body, usually does not take place until the last three weeks of the pregnancy. Some Souls choose to experience the full three weeks in the womb. While other Souls make a mad dash to attach their infant's body during labor. In a few rare cases, the soul can be with the mother from conception. However they decide to structure it... their life and their work on the resolution of past life karma begins at ensoulment. 

Inn at the Womb: While the soul is in the womb, it assesses its new family situation. The child starts to experience the mother's emotions from her point of view. The child gets imprinted with their mother's thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs. The child must also struggle with issues created by its parents' genetics as well as with the mother's lifestyle choices (as in drinking, smoking, and drug addictions). 

Spiritual Evaluation: While the soul is in the womb, it tries on its new family for size... from a spiritual point of view. The soul will need to answer the following questions: "Will this new family help the soul work off past life karma? Will the new family help the soul to become more evolved in awareness, love, and joy? Will the new family help the soul to meet the goals and objectives of their Life Contract?" Since most pairings of parents and children are done with the greatest care, the in-womb spiritual evaluation is usually positive. 

Failure to Launch: Rarely the in-womb spiritual evaluation is negative, meaning all the relevant parties involved are in agreement that the parents-child pairing will not work as expected. So the fetus will be stillborn, spontaneously aborted, or miscarried... regardless of how well things had been going up until then. In even rarer cases, when the child has been born but the spiritual evaluation turns negative, they can be released from the family group by "Sudden Infant Death Syndrome"

Birth Trauma: Assuming all are in agreement for the life to move forward, the most difficult part of the soul's life in the womb is labor and birth. The child experiences pain right along with the mother. So the more pleasant the birth
experience can be made, the better it is for the soul about to be born.
Reincarnation Anomaly: Crossover Lives 

Less than 0.01% of Lives: When it is required for our karmic learning, reincarnation expands to deepen our awareness. Crossover lives (when the end of the last life overlaps the beginning of the next one in physical time) is a rare reincarnation anomaly (that few ever experience). 

What are Crossover Lives? At the same time, the same soul will be attached to two bodies. The first is an old body that is dying. The second is a very young body that is growing. Both bodies will be sleeping more than normal. Usually the dying body will not support more than a few hours of consciousness each day. Usually the young body will belong to a child who sleeps excessively. The soul will switch its attention between bodies as needed. Although both bodies can be awake at same time if needed for each individual to live their separate lives. 

Why are Crossover Lives Allowed? When the soul is still in one body, its advanced consciousness may need to get started in another one. This is a karmic bargain because, once the old body dies, the new one is ready to go without any delay. The new body is a creation of the soul and so it comes with no issues but its own. This distinguishes it from a walk-in where the soul would take on its issues as well as those of the walk-out. The problem with walking-in is that time is "wasted" on resolving the walk-out's issues if that learning is considered unneeded. 

What is the Price of Crossover Lives? Crossover Lives are a very rare and uncommon creation of reincarnation. The purpose and price of Crossover Lives is to enable the individual to work off their past life karma in service to greater universal objectives. For example, if a great karmic matrix is being formed on Earth, like natural disaster or war, and certain individuals with specific skills are required to support it... they will be fast tracked through the crossover process. This is a win-win situation both for the individual soul and for the universe. 

Why are Crossover Lives So Uncommon? The Earth is a school house for karma. Like a school house, it is much easier for individuals to learn their lessons one grade at a time. Crossover Lives are like asking a student to start a new grade before completing the old one. This creates difficulty for both the school and the student. The good news is that the crossover period is relatively short: twelve years (a single karmic cycle) at most. When the old body finally dies, the process of reincarnation continues as normal for the rest of the new body's life.

Anomalies happen because the universe is a very complex place. Most of the time most things fall into predictable patterns... and because they do humans call these patterns laws. For example, 99% of children inherit the DNA of their parents BUT it is possible for a child to be born without sharing their parents DNA (click here for more).

Anomalies happen with past lives as well as with DNA... and for the same reason. If the individual Soul's growth cannot be accomplished during the normal processes of reincarnation... then - no matter how this seems to violate known "laws" - anomalies will happen. For achieving karmic goals is always the most important consideration.


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