
前些天去的Kripalu Center For Yoga and Health.麻省挺有名的一个机构,很大,30年历史。Program topics include wellness, Ayurveda, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, relationships, meditation, spiritual practice, professional training, and much more. 大概最初引入印度佛教和瑜伽。餐厅同时为4、500人服务,素食好吃极了。这些佛的画像挂在墙上,很喜欢。

与主讲人Gregg Braden 的合影。我当时是没穿鞋有袜子的站着,他是穿了增高的鞋站在我和比尔中间,所以他大概真正有1.64米的个高。这正是让我佩服的地方,他这辈子要多大的心里意志,克服自己超矮的身体缺陷,而取得现在的成功。上个月他在华盛顿的几千人的讲座,居然有几个国会议员到场(就他的‘非传统’的研究领域来说)。他早期的地理科学和计算机科学的背景,也是他自己的能力,参与了美国国防系统里,最尖端的导弹防御系统开发。后来辞职,出来搞现在的研究。如果没有教会宗教,没有政府限制,我觉得他应该在Spirit Science一领域载入青史。
他平时的演讲,都是几百几千人的大地方。向我们这次的50人3天小规模,他也很喜欢,互动好。包括我的几个女的都是穿着舒服的衣服,或坐地下,或练瑜伽打坐一般盘腿做椅子上,舒舒服服,轻松自然的听讲座。他看来在第二次婚姻里找到了幸福,居然课余聊天,问我和比尔是如何认识的,听比尔说我们的故事, 然后讲他的“神奇”恋爱故事。 很饭他。
(New York Times best-selling author Gregg Braden is internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science, spirituality, and the real world. Following a successful career as a computer geologist for Phillips Petroleum during the 1970s energy crisis, he worked as a senior computer systems designer with Martin Marietta Defense Systems during the final years of the Cold War. In 1991, he became the first technical operations manager for Cisco Systems.
For more than 25 years, Gregg has searched high mountain villages, remote monasteries, and forgotten texts to uncover their timeless secrets. His work is now featured as media specials shown on the History Channel, the Discovery Channel, National Geographic, and ABC.
To date, Gregg's discoveries have led to such paradigm-shattering books as The God Code; The Divine Matrix; Fractal Time; and his latest, Deep Truth: Igniting the Memory of Our Origin, History, Destiny, and Fate. Today, his work is published in 19 languages and 38 countries, and shows us beyond any reasonable doubt that the key to our future lies in the wisdom of our past.)

企鹅先生主抓精神生活后,再抓物质思想,z接着的周末,不给休息时间,非要带我去听个理财讲座:Millionaire Mind Intensive.
好笑的是,当主讲人让大家闭上眼睛,让大家想想相关方面受到的伤害,把那些人放在眼前,说我原谅你之类的话,进行HEALING, 我实在找不出,(估计这两年都被企鹅先生治好了:),干脆,把耶稣,老子,各家佛祖请到眼前,然后他们都对我说:企鹅,你已经做得很不错了!!! 哈哈哈。


不过这次活动也真正点醒了我一点,就是海龟两年做生意的经历里,隐隐受到的”伤害“ 和存下来的负面观念。 减弱了“无商不奸”, “做生意就比较昧良心”的看法和意识。
最后让写心得时, 我故意搞笑的填写 RICH PEOPLE ARE----------LOVELY! RICH PEOPLE ARE---------RAW MODEL!企鹅先生被我逗得哈哈大笑。
几个月前,读到爱因斯坦的格言,就有了下面的理解和心得:节选一 "A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. The true value of a human being is determined by the measure and the sense in which they have obtained liberation from the self. We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive. (Albert Einstein, 1954)" 我个人的理解:人类就是我们称之为宇宙的整个的一部分,那个有时间和空间限制的部分。作为被隔离的那部分(地球是被隔离的是因为宇宙本身是没有时间和空间限制的),我们的人生就是经历自我,思想和感觉(人生就是经历和体验)。有一种意识和认知的错视幻象,就象一个监狱,障碍了我们的个人意愿,和对身边人的亲近。我们的任务就是释放天性,接近自然万物。每个人的真正价值就是反映在解放自己的天性的意识里。
The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend personal God and avoid dogma and theology. Covering both the natural and the spiritual, it should be based on a religious sense arising from the experience of all things natural and spiritual as a meaningful unity. Buddhism answers this description. If there is any religion that could cope with modern scientific needs it would be Buddhism. (Albert Einstein)将来的宗教就是宇宙宗教(太符合俺的信仰了,呵呵),它应该是追求更高的自我,而不是教条神学。拥有自然和精神的两个方面,它应该是基于人的精神与自然万物为一体的(万物皆有灵,或人,自然界,乃至地球,都是一体的)