

(2006-03-31 09:24:12) 下一个
尽管这几周还去学习。今天稍作整理: tentmaker: new situation. your blood be upon your own heads:make your own decision. you are responsible for your self. very strong and bold, stubborn man. insult is kind of not respect rude behaviour to others. eloquent is very fluent professional. sometimes we will accept it if you provide facts and truth, not just argument. baptism is something not only materialized cemenory, it is more to be spiritual expression. we find that circular learning is more powerful and useful. Apollo, astronaut related. small exposure. (March 29) Allegiance: royal. strong believer, bold, brave, practice what they believe. and not afraid even in conflict. prominent means very outstanding, high-class. in one sense, the open-minded person is a better type of people:open to new ideas, but skeptical, not easily to be confinced until enough evidence, which is better than simply refusal. If we feel that we can not handle it by ourselves, we can call a back-up. idols usually kind of images made of wood, stone. babbler: keeps on talking. ideas thought, may not be very concrete stuff that can be materialized. Fairtale, not very true in daily life.start in a positive way, not criticize and we are ready to defense, to argue. when we fear something, the heart may be pounding. you need make a change or choice to be firm, and in a pleasant way, in a positive way and begin to build towards he wants. (March 22) Please take your time, why do not you start from... Is that make any sense at all? commandment, law or rule. Some people tends to take the name of God in vain to say "Oh, God""Oh, Jesus". Said our farewell to Caesas. Prophecy is someone who tell something in the future. fortune-teller.I think that is every where in the world, it is kind of human curiosity and human needs. Sweet teeth: loves sweet stuff. It's good (wise) to know good news. To me, that's enough, but to somehow, I use that phrase quite often "the will of the Lord be done". Your conscious will tell you whether you did a good or wrong. the law is now written in our hearts.you can sense it. because there is misunderstanding of. GOd gives the law through Moses: Ten commandments. "Love God with all your heart, and neighbours as yourself".
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