

The Book of Proverbs (6) Dangers of Being Foolish

(2007-04-16 23:47:49) 下一个
Proverbs is a collection of lamps.

Notspotlights that blind. Not bonfires that blaze, but lamps. Lamps thatdo for your heart what the lamps in your house do for your eyes. Theychase away the darkness.

"Thesecommands are like a lamp," wrote Solomon. "This teaching is like alight. And the correction that comes form them will help you have life"(6:23).

Chapter 6 Dangers of Being Foolish


  1. My child, be careful about giving a guarantee for somebody else’s loan, about promising to pay what someone else owes.
  2. You might get trapped by what you say; you might be caught by your own words.
  3. My child, if you have done this and are under your neighbor’s control, here is how to get free. Don’t be proud. Go to your neighbor and beg to be free from your promise.
  4. Don’t go to sleep or even rest your eyes,
  5. But free yourself like a deer running from a hunter, like a bird flying away from a trapper.
  6. Go watch the ants, you lazy person. Watch what they do and be wise.
  7. Ants have no commander, no leader or ruler,
  8. but they store up food in the summer and gather their supplies at harvest.
  9. How long will you lie there, you lazy person? When will you get up from sleeping?
  10. You sleep a little; you take a nap. You fold your hands and lie down to rest.
  11. So you will be as poor as if you had been robbed; you will have as little as if you had been held up.
  12. Some people are wicked and no good. They go around telling lies,
  13. winking with their eyes, tapping with their feet, and making signs with their fingers.
  14. They make evil plans in their hearts and are always starting arguments.
  15. So trouble will strike them in an instant; suddenly they will be so hurt no one can help them.
  16. There are six things the LORD hates. There are seven thing she cannot stand:
  17. a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that kill innocent people,
  18. a mind that thinks up evil plans, feet that are quick to do evil,
  19. a witness who lies, and someone who starts arguments among families.
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