This is a true story about love... It's also a story about life...
March of the Penguins - Part I
March of the Penguins - Part II
March of the Penguins - Part III
March of the Penguins - Part IV
March of the Penguins - Part V
March of the Penguins - Part VI
March of the Penguins - Part VII
看着看着,眼泪就流出来了,企鹅的世界里有坚贞的爱情,有集体的友谊,有血浓于水的亲情,有温暖的家庭,有养育的责任,有社会的次序,有生死断肠的离别。。。要是人类社会也这么单纯完美就好了。 What do you think???
Unfortunately, I could not find Part VIII @ youtube. But, don't worry, at the end of Part VII the little chick was not eaten by the eagle because the film making team saved him by scaring away the predator.