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Better Bicycling

(2005-03-29 07:15:56) 下一个
Better BicyclingFall / Automne 2004
Published by Citizens for Safe Cycling / Publié par les Citoyens pour le sécurité en vélo


Winter Fitness and Commuting

By David Elliott

"It's not cold, I'm Canadian". Many of us say this and often it is true. Despite the existence of this macho bravado, there are only a few strong and hearty souls among us willing to brave the entire winter on their bicycles.

For those of us who will be retiring our bicycles for part or all of the winter, here are a few tips on how to stay in shape and remain dedicated to environmentally friendly transportation.

There are several other environmentally friendly forms of transportation. Walking, public transportation, car pooling, telecommuting and even ice skating in some parts of the city are all viable options.

Personally, I enjoy walking. Like cycling, it is affordable and allows me to get some exercise during my commute. Although walking is outside, the wind chill factor is much less than being on a bicycle.

If you are going to pass on cycling, walking and ice skating, you should participate in some other form of exercise to maintain your health. This is a basic part of healthy living. The added bonus is that by maintaining your fitness levels through the winter you can start riding again in the spring effortlessly.

Outdoor activities for cyclists

  • Cross-country Skiing
  • Ice skating
  • Snow Shoeing
  • Walking
  • Alpine Skiing

Indoor activities for cyclists

  • Stationary trainer
  • Stationary bike
  • Spinning class
  • Treadmill

A stationary trainer or larger set of "rollers" will allow you to ride your own bicycle. There are a few advantage to using a trainer at home. First, you get to enjoy the geometry, gears and saddle of your own bike. Second, the trainer is much smaller and can be cheaper than a full stationary bike. Third, the feel of a good trainer is very natural.

Now, if you are wondering how you will be able to keep up a winter training program when all you are doing is spinning in the gym or living room, think again. Like any fitness program, variety and exploiting the opportunities with the different exercise options is key. Mix up your exercise routine with different sports. Outdoor activities lend themselves to being more social. A good dose of sunlight and fresh air with a day of cross-country skiing with friends will help add variety to your routine.

For the indoor workouts, do what you can only do while indoors. Read a book, watch TV, play video games, listen to music, talk to a friend or anything else you feel like doing. Always remember that drinking lots of fluids and good nutrition are important elements of any fitness program and staying healthy.

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And remember: even if you don't want to ride in deep winter, the longer you keep cycling in the fall before the snow stays, the healthier you'll feel. Many years there is no significant snow accumulation until early December, and as long as you dress properly, check your bike, and watch out for ice patches, you'll arrive at your destination exhilarated.

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