


(2008-02-22 14:24:07) 下一个


Science is to describe, predict and prescribe (Chalmers 1999). Economics is a science albeit dismal. It is no easy science, which is why we are paying top dollars to CEOs of this world.

It is not easy, which is why the leftist politicians loath to deal with economics. Rudd, Swan and now Obama. Being more of an economics spring chicken than Wayne Swan the leftist treasurer of the day, conservative Peter Costello took Australia through the stormy waters of the 1996-2003 era of Asian financial crisis, tech boom-burst, terror attack on the world’s largest economy, SAS…Wayne, I know economics is not your pet subject. But since you put your hand up for the 2nd most important job, you’ve got to finish it. You had been copying every line on every page of Peter’s book throughout the election campaign. It is now your turn to do what a treasurer’s got to do, without Peter’s help. I know a high growth, low unemployment economy WITHOUT inflation is dismal when you are expecting a trouble-free job. Stop whinging Wayne, because Australia did not pay you to whinge.

Fact: In opposition, Rudd once reported that his parliamentary colleagues are on struggling street. $250, 000 a year and on struggle street? Is he serious?On the same income, conservative politicians seem to live better personal lives. A quick chi-square will tell you the same.

Defence is a sticky issue. Australia is about 1/3 of the size of California, in terms of its size of economy. Australia would never have an economical defence swystem if it were not a happy member of its Anglo-American family. $34 Bil? Try $340Bil ! We could never afford it if we were to do it alone.

To get the fact right, the $34 Bil were mostly spent in Iraq on the Anglo-American contingent against Saddam. I don't know about you, I was in Bush-Howard’s cheer squad when Saddam’s statue came down, feeling that my tax money was being well spent. With the benefit of hindsight, we should not go in. But where is foresight when it is most needed?

The fundamental difference between the left and the right is clear. The former believes in taxes and central control. The latter believes in leaving income with whom it belongs. If getting more of my own hard earned money back is receiving a bribe, I am guilty as charged.

More tax cut for the rich? America’s low tax has "bribed" two of my young and bright colleagues. If the “rich” continued to be taxed the way they were, if Peter did not bribe them to stay put by reverting the draconian taxes of the early 90s, the brain drain would have been worse.

Some minor corrections: private school students get less per head from the government. If all the private schools shut down tomorrow, the tax payers would have to cough up more. They are not always of the best academic performances. But they are almost always the best students in discipline terms—I am in the position to tell.

Rudd’s "education revolution"? Does the word revolution sound terrifying familiar? Notebooks for all students and solar panel for all classrooms, but no air conditioners for pupils in hot February demountables? He is far too fashion conscious to set his, his country’s and the country’s future priorities right. He is no economics conservative he claims to be. He fails economics,  not knowing how to predict and prescribe. Worse still, he and his tems do not know how to describe the problem of the economy they are elected to manage. 
A leftist conservative? An oxymoron!

Chalmers, A. F. (1999), What Is This Thing Called Science? Brisbane: University of Qeensland Press.. 

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