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这绝对是个高手,20多年的经验,只玩DT,我见过的有单日100K的记录,谈话的当天,我亲眼看见他的P/L是 20K gain.
一般情况只做几个股,来回天天地倒腾,until volatility fade, 最近是AAPL, POT, CLF, ANR.
他说他每次进场,500股,然后,看市场,板块,sibling, 如果反向了,再加码,usually until 2000 share.
但是,有个mental stop, that is the point at which indicates the trade is bad ( trend is reversed. )
基本的精神/信仰,就是股市不是很trend, 大部分情况是 reverse to mean.
要是Average down 真是许多书本里说的毒药,这老兄怎么可能生存那么久?还以此为生?而且还住在富人区的豪宅里?
• 是不是因为他只作DT? -red_lanterns- ♂
(0 bytes) (21 reads) 8/20/10 21:06:29
NO NO NO!!! You shouldn't average down on EVERYTHING!! PLEASE don't do it, it may kill you eventually.
In this business, DICIPLINE is the most important thing I thin:
If you are a day trader, you have to clean up positions before mkt close. For me, I'm a trend or momentum follower(hold position anywhere from few hours to few weeks), you have to take lost, no matter how much, when trend changed direction or momentum faded.
Yes, as human being, it's hard to control your emotion.
Dicipline, it's easy to SAY than DO.
Not long ago, I bought etf BZG, and heavy, all because I THINK markit should go down since it already went up so long even though BGZ still weak on both long term and mid-term, even though it's short term still weak like hell and against my usual style. Eventually I had to take loss(about $80k) at around 8.40 two weeks ago because the TREND(down) just kept lasting, like forever. And I quickly switch to stronger stocks like MCP, SHZ, NVDA, and quickly made $150k back.
If I stay with BGZ, I would have lost even more right now in stead of make it back.
Anyways, if want to make money in this business, you HAVE to be GOOD enough. And it apply to any business.