
Life - another year older

(2012-07-16 15:22:47) 下一个
Life - another year older


For sure, it is another year...but exclusively for me, a certain day means getting older officially on the records. In retrospectively, time slips aways faster with unfulfilled tasks, not mention the deepdown faded dreams i once had. Now, actually, we start ask ourselves: DO I STILL HAVE A DREAM? The answer is we do not possess a dream for ourselves anymore. You scared...occasionally? make enough money...or spend enough to refresh yourself? Bothered by being a Chinese US citizen? Dream a better place for your ability or ambious....? sympathetic...then working ignorantly?
what would it be? why one?

I am so enjoying the life as it is that I have been digging a hole to bury myself. ha, it is dangerous for certain type of man. I am one of them.

I still can dream high AND, Yuchen nicely said yesterday: she is always a fan of me. What can you expect more from your partner other than saying this you face to face, joking or not. I enjoyed it as I humbled to take it as the fact...there is the bond...called LOVE.

I am appreciated for it. I need to write it down. It is an encouragement to my service of my family. I pull out from many mess I created inside myself and I present myself with passion to my family by cuting a line to the past and nonsense vanity (or non-existance stuff in vain).

We are busier obsultely, supporting by the fact of having a full time job and a full house kids, presumbly they fill up every corner of the house.

Life is worthy of keeping a document...not for hero but for common guy like me.

Just lazy to type down the meaning of getting older, which I meant to write a word on it days before today. Never too late.

OK..seriously....Making more money and retaining more energy by staying healthy are targets. Someday...someday, it comes for a dream to do, but not now...

I am happy when Yucheng stars at me with all trust...saying I am the only man she wants... I feel a mixed pride and shamefulness....though!
I am happy when Yu'er jumping up calling me daddy...hey...you, daddy...in response to my jokes;
I am happy when Chen'er flying into my brace when i pick him up occassionally. He smiled and laughed to kiss me and huge me.

Tons of meaningful things around me every day though I also had expereinced things....

Knee surgery....farewell to my beloved basketball games

hate it when people say it is a sign of getting old...so, I jumped into the pool at 5:30 in the morning. The flicking and swing yellow lights on blueish water...the feeling is good! Excercise, folks....for more 40s...or closer...not a couch potato, watch tv series episodes one after another, or reading stories hours after another hour until late night! get up...go outside...breath deep...set a model for your kid....damn,....

Home being burgalrized ...farewell to some valueable stuff...old stuff....Terrible..; my friend, it happens and every 4.4 seconds in USA. No kidding.....now i am a victim of it.

write it here...to keep my blog open...and not being closed by no visiting toooooooo loooooooooooooooooooog....

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