这个回贴介绍了一本书 专业投机原理
兴趣是最好的老师!要成活,得疯魔!但男人要先顾家,尤其孩子!股票不是生活的全部,兴趣爱好本是好的,过尤不及.建议你LG读 <专业投机原理> ,那作者赚了大钱,但忽视了孩子的教育和感情投资,最后追悔末及!自己玩股票开心,但牺牲太太和孩子以及任何一个家人的幸福是不对的
The Stock Market Crash of 1929
来源: 华尔神偷 于 07-10-30 06:14:23
On October 24, 1929, later to be known as Black Thursday, the stock market began its downhill drop. After the first hour, the prices had gone down at an amazing speed. Some people thought that after that day, the prices would rise again just as it had done before. But it didn’t. Prices kept dropping, and on October 29, 1929, Black Tuesday, more than 16 million shares were sold, but by the end of the day, most stocks ended below their previous value, and some stocks became totally worthless. Because of that, some people became homeless and penniless, all because of the Stock Market Crash. By November 13, the prices had hit rock bottom. The stock AT&T had gone from $304, to the price of $197. America had celebrated for eight years, but now, everything was wasted in just a few weeks, by the Stock Market. It was a sad ending to this glorious decade!
1973-1974 Stock market crash in December
来源: 华尔神偷 于 07-10-30 06:17:54
[1] In the 694 days between 11 January 1973 and 6 December 1974, the New York Stock Exchange's Dow Jones Industrial Average benchmark lost over 45% of its value, making it the seventh-worst bear market in the history of the index.
[2] 1972 had been a good year for the DJIA, with gains of 15% in the twelve months. 1973 had been expected to be even better, with Time magazine reporting, just 3 days before the crash began, that it was 'shaping up as a gilt-edged year'.
[3] In the two years from 1972 to 1974, the American economy slowed from 7.2% real GDP growth to -2.1% contraction, while inflation (by CPI) jumped from 3.4% in 1972 to 12.3% in 1974.