

(2006-12-24 21:33:02) 下一个
1. 一日陪睡,照例对儿子母爱泛滥:“I love you, sweetie. My love is higher than the ceiling.” 自己正暗自得意这一比喻,那边儿子发话:”I love you too, mommy and it is higher than CN tower.” 说的我目瞪口呆。  

2. Halloween 之夜,儿子向他的朋友抱怨: “Uncle always bothers me."(Uncle 指我弟弟)。
“Do you bother uncle, sweetie?” 我发问
一阵沉默之后, “But uncle always bothers me first.”
晕到。看来儿子以后是做Lawyer的料: 永远都不能说自己不对。

3.一日晚餐,儿子和他的好朋友M谈到了结婚, 儿子说:
“Boys marry girls and girls marry boys.”
我得乘机灌输这个:” You are right that boys marry girls and girls marry boys. Who do you want to marry? “
“You, But wait till I get bigger. I will marry you when I am twenty-nine.”
“Thanks sweetie. I will wait.” 感动的一塔糊涂。但还得接着问,因为还有一个坐在我的右边。“M, who do you want to marry? “
“ Nobody. Since only one women here and J will marry her. Mommy married Daddy so I can not marry her. Because you can only marry one people.”

4.和儿子讨论FAMILY PET 有好一阵了,最后决定现在先养一只猫,等儿子五岁以后,再养一只狗。我的目的是想让孩子认识到什么是责任感,什么是爱。如果他能从爱动物体会到什么是父母之爱,那就是BONUS了。于是母子二人有了如下对话:
“J, who is going to feed the cat?”
“Who is going to clean up the cat’s poopoo?”
Silent and then
“Mommy, you take care of me, I take care of the cat, the cat take care of horsy (his sleeping buddy) and the horsy will take care you….”

5.快到儿子睡觉的时间了,我照惯例提醒他“Play with Tiger for 5 more minutes then you go to sleep.” (Tiger is our cat). 儿子也照惯例答到:“OK。”
一分钟后,我提醒 “ 4 more minutes.”  ‘OK.”
又一分钟后,我说 “ 3 more minutes.”
“No, not 3 more minutes, it is still 4 more minutes” 儿子高声抗议。
“Why? “
“Because Tiger did not play with me. Only the time playing with Tiger counts. “
我哑然。 没错,是我逻辑不够严谨。只是不成想让这小子看出来了。

6. 放学归来,儿子告诉我:“ I am going to marry Olivia, Siena and Maid, and you.”
“But sweetie, you can only marry one people at a time. “
“But every one wants me to marry every one. “
“ Sweetie, you have to choose one. You can not marry all of them at the same time.”
After some silence,
“I will marry Olivia. But Mom, I will marry you when I am bigger. I will marry you when I am 30. (得,上次刚说等他29 岁的时候MARRY ME, 一会功夫,他改了年龄,我又得多等一年。)

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