I don't mind their protesting. I just hope it's in a peaceful way. If you view the videos, you know they are offending and destroying.
They don't destroy the
World Trade Center, but they destroy the streets, stores and vehicles in Lhasa. The date is on the anniversary of the 1959 "uprising", when Dalai Lama went to exile. Dalai says he doesn't have power to stop them, but I think he has the power to start it. Last year, Mr. Bush granted Dalai Lama a medal, Canada's prime minister Harper interviewed him, and so did German prime minister.

I have a stupid question for Mr.
George Bush, Mr.
Stephen Harper and Ms.
Angela Merkel, and I guess this question has never been thought by these leaders. Can you guys imagine that somebody broke in your home and started destroying, but somebody else grants him a medal or interviews him to say you are good?
LOL! I'd like to set you guys up here in memory.
Dalai's word:
Asked if he was able to bring an end to Tibetan protests, the Dalai Lama said, "I have no such power."
"It's a people's movement, I consider myself a people's servant, I cannot ask people not to do this, not to do that," he said.