
A goog piece of comment on Tibet riot, CNN and western media...

(2008-04-20 16:24:21) 下一个

A good piece of comment from a reader on Times online:

The so-called apology of CNN wasindeed a further insult to the intelligence of the people in thestreet. Who are they trying to fool? There is no sincerity in thestatement. They are trying to pull the wool over the eyes of those whohave very little understanding of the English language.

If I were Chinese American, I would sue CNN and Jack Caffertyfor its racist slander, which in US is a very serious litigation case.One lawyer in Hong Kong has already commenced a legal proceedingagainst Jack Cafferty. I hope more people would follow suit worldwide.If CNN is gracious enough, they should sack Jack immediately to makeamend.

The statement, by any standard, and use it anywhere to anycountry or people is just totally unacceptable; it reflected his lackof mannerism and the respect for others people. That is simply poortaste. Interestingly, I wonder what would be the reaction of theAmericans if Jack were to replace the term "Chineseâ€

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