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Collin Raye的歌

(2007-01-06 15:25:33) 下一个

Collin Raye的几首歌


拥有五张白金唱片及九首乡村冠军单曲傲人纪录的Collin Raye,在许多方面都展现出迥异于其它乡村歌手的特殊魅力。Collin Raye的创作融合了乡村、流行、民谣及抒情摇滚等多样曲风,而他舒缓的歌声中夹带着沛盈的情感,甜而不腻,抒情而不滥情,带有些许丹佛格伯(Dan Fogelberg)况味的的诗意气质更是如影随形地随时从他的声音里透露出来。  

由于母亲也是着名的乡村歌手,耳濡目染的结果使得Collin Raye的进入音乐界亦显得理所当然。Collin Raye先是和弟弟Scott合组了一支二重唱Wray Brothers,两兄弟在八0年代缔造过不少排行佳绩,单飞后的Collin Raye仍然延续着这股气势,首张专辑"All I Can Be"的专辑同名单曲不但一举打进全美乡村Top 40,专辑里的另一首单曲"Love, Me"更是雄霸了三周全美乡村单曲榜冠军宝座。"Love, Me"这首歌曲描述的是即使天人永隔也无法阻断的爱情,是首听过必为之动容的感人抒情经典。

Collin Raye在这之后陆陆续续又以多张白金专辑以及排行金曲奠定他在乡村乐界的巨星地位,然而Collin Raye对于自己当初进入歌坛的初衷依然未变,那就是为抚慰人心而唱,因此他并不会为了市场需求而做出哗众取宠的表现,他还是一个字一个字、一个音符一个音符地悉心诚意打造出真正感动人心的歌声。

"Love,Me"这是Collin Raye的成名曲目,擅讲故事的歌手给我们讲述了这样一个催人泪下的爱的传奇。这首歌是如此的广受欢迎,以至于很多人在葬礼上播放这首歌曲,以表达心中的无尽爱意。歌中的爱情故事相当经典,让人为之动容,想必每个相信爱情的朋友都希望拥有这样的纯洁的坚贞的爱情。

"In This Life”里侃侃叙说的铭心深情,In This Life,有了你,一切梦想成真。,一本圣经和一张回家的车票,这是父母留给远行孩子的最珍贵的礼物。"圣经为你指点方向,车票可以带你回家。一个人的挣扎没有支持,儿子,我们并不遥远,圣经和车票会使我们靠近。”父母的胸怀是这样的宽容 ,父母的爱要用什么才能回报?歌中唱出无限的爱和感动。"世事变换,无人长久,未来在我们感知之前也成为过去。不论得失,我们的存在便是爱的证明。”

※※※ Love Me ※※※

I read a note my grandma wrote back in nineteen twenty-three.
Grandpa kept it in his coat, and he showed it once to me. He said,
"Boy, you might not understand, but a long, long time ago,
Grandma's daddy didn't like me none, but I loved your Grandma so."
We had this crazy plan to meet and run away together.
Get married in the first town we came to, and live forever.
But nailed to the tree where we were supposed to meet, instead
Of her, I found this letter, and this is what it said:
If you get there before I do, don't give up on me.
I'll meet you when my chores are through;
I don't know how long I'll be.
But I'm not gonna let you down, darling wait and see.
And between now and then, till I see you again,
I'll be loving you. Love, me.
I read those words just hours before my Grandma passed away,
In the doorway of a church where me and Grandpa stopped to pray.
I know I'd never seen him cry in all my fifteen years;
But as he said these words to her, his eyes filled up with tears.
If you get there before I do, don't give up on me.
I'll meet you when my chores are through;
I don't know how long I'll be.
But I'm not gonna let you down, darling wait and see.
And between now and then, till I see you again,
I'll be loving you. Love, me.
Between now and then, till I see you again,
I'll be loving you. Love, me.


※※※ One Boy One Girl ※※※

He finally gave in to his friend's girlfriend when she said
"There's someone you should meet."
At a crowded restaurant way 'cross town,
he waited impatiently.
She walked in, their eyes met, and they both stared.
And right there and then, everyone else disappeared,
But one boy, and one girl,
two hearts beating wildly.
To put it mildly, it was love at first sight.
He smiled, she smiled, and they knew right away
that this was the day they'd waited for all their lives.
And for a moment the whole world
revolved around one boy and one girl.
In no time at all they were standing there, in the front of a little church,
among their friends and family, repeating those sacred words.
Preacher said, "Son kiss your bride" and he raised her veil.
And like the night they met, time just stood still
For one boy, and one girl,
two hearts beating wildly.
To put it mildly, it was love at first sight.
He smiled, and she smiled, and they knew right away
that this was the day they'd waited for all their lives.
For a moment the whole world
revoloved around one boy and one girl.
He was holding her hand when the doctor looked up and grinned
"Congratulations. Twins..."
One boy, one girl.
Two hearts beting wildly.
To put it mildly it was love at first sight.
He smiled, and she smiled,
and they knew right away
that this was the day they'd waited for all their lives.
For a moment the whole world revoloved around one boy and one girl.
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