
穆沙拉夫总统称对我国歼十战机很感兴趣 zt

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鼎盛军事 录入时间:2006-2-28 来源:中华网 转载巴基斯坦最大报业集团的报道   http://www.dawn.com/2006/02/24/welcome.htm   February 24, 2006 Friday Muharram 25, 1427   President describes China visit ‘very important‘, to boost multi-faceted ties Feb 24 (APP): President General Pervez Musharraf Thursday described his visit to China as very important and said his ‘substantive and positive‘ interaction with the Chinese leadership would boost ties in political, economic and defence fields. "The visit is very important in terms of timings and substance in the wake of changing strategic situation in the world," he told reporters while flying back home after a five-day state visit to China. Musharraf said he had substantive interaction with the Chinese leadership that covered all areas including political, economic, diplomatic, defence, continuing cooperation in the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and regional and international issues. "There was a complete understanding on all issues we discussed and there has been a very positive response," he said while referring to his one-on-one meeting with President Hu Jintao. Responding to a question, the President said that Pakistan and China had always been collaborating in the defence field. "Defence relations have been the bedrock of Sino-Pak relations." China, he added, had been giving a lot of transfer of technology "because of which collaboration has been going on for decades". The President said the Chinese government also showed their hi-tech F-10 that is comparable with any modern aircraft. ‘We are very favourably disposed toward this aircraft," he added. Answering another question he said Chinese investors have shown interest in various sectors including automobile, energy, textile etc. adding that in the automobile sector, several world renowned companies were heading to Pakistan in a big way. Referring to the cartoon controversy the President rejected the excuse of freedom of press for the publication of these blasphemous images which, he added, would encourage notion of clash of civilizations. "It has taken the freedom of press to its worst limit," he added. About the unresolved political disputes including Palestine and Kashmir, he said these were the root cause of extremism and terrorism and must be addressed. (Posted @ 10:10 PST)   from the daily dawn news update section. It is likely that this is the second 4th gen fighter which has been alluded to many times by the air chief. F-16s seem to be definite....the deal was about to be notified to the Congress before the earthquake struck . J-10 (or should we start calling it F-10 now) was there at that time also....it was not the case that it was not available then but is available now. It is public knowledge that PAF evaluated this aircraft sometime back. The interesting part is going to be the engine, avionics and weapons.   译文:   总统称中国之行非常重要,会加强多方面的联系   2月24日 巴基斯坦联合通讯社   佩尔韦兹。穆沙拉夫总统周二表示,他此次访问中国非常重要,并说,他与中国领导人实质性的直接接触会加强双方在政治经济以及国防领域的紧密联系。   在中国五天访问后,总统在回国的飞机上对记者说,此次访问非常重要,此次访问在时机上和实质上非常重要,随之而来会改变世界的战略格局。   穆沙拉夫说,他与中国领导人进行了实质性会谈,会谈内容涉及诸多领域,包括政治,经济,外交,国防。双方就和平利用能源进行进一步合作,对地区和国际问题交换了看法。   当提到他与中国国家主席胡锦涛的会面时,穆沙拉夫说:我们所讨论的问题都得到对方完全理解,并得到正面答复。   在回答提问时,穆沙拉夫总统回答说,中巴在过去就防卫领域有着久远的合作,国防关系是中巴关系的基石,在过去数十年的合作中,中国对巴方提供了大量技术转让。   总统说中国政府展示了他们高科技的F-10战机,此种飞机可与任何一种现代战机相媲美“我们对此飞机很感兴趣”.   在回答另一个问题时他说,中国投资者们对诸多领域表现出浓厚兴趣,包括汽车,能源,纺织业等,他补充说,在汽车领域而言,数家世界著名企业正在巴基斯坦聚齐共谋大事。   对于有争议的政治卡通事件,总统拒绝接受所谓新闻出版自由的解释,那些亵渎真主的图画会加剧文明之间的冲突,会把新闻自由引向最坏的限度。对玄而未决的巴基斯坦以及克什米尔政治争端,他说,这些是恐怖主义的和极端主义的根源,必须加以说明。   (早间新闻增加部分)   尽管这位前战机机长曾提到过数次战斗机,似乎这是他第二次提到第四代战斗机,   F-16看起来已经确信无疑,这笔生意本该在地震之前正式通知国会。   J10(或许此时我们应该开始称其为F10)此时也在议程之中,这件原本无意义的事情此时变得有利用价值。众所周知此前巴基斯坦空军评估过这种飞机,其发动机部分,航空电子控制系统以及配载武器都将是很有趣的部分。
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