

(2008-04-07 08:57:45) 下一个

        1 Placido DOMINGO (b1941)
  2 Enrico CARUSO (1873-1921)
  3 Luciano PAVAROTTI (1935-2007)
  4 Fritz WUNDERLICH (1930-1966)
  5 Jussi BJÖRLING (1911-1960)
  6 Lauritz MELCHIOR (1890-1973)
  7 Beniamino GIGLI (1890-1957
  8 Jon VICKERS (b1926)
  9 Nicolai GEDDA (b1925)
  10 Peter PEARS (1910-1986)  
  11 Tito SCHIPA (1888-1965)
  12 Carlo BERGONZI (b1924)
  13 Juan Diego FLÓREZ (b1973)
  14 Peter SCHREIER (b1935)
  15 Franco CORELLI (1921-1976)
  16 John McCORMACK (1884-1945)
  17 Anthony ROLFE JOHNSON (b1940)
  18 Alfredo KRAUS (1927-1999)
  19 Wolfgang WINDGASSEN (1914-1974)
  20 Sergey LEMESHEV (1902-1977)

  1. Maria Callas [1923-1977]
  2. Joan Sutherland [b1926]
  3. Victoria De Los Angeles [1923-2005]
  4. Leontyne Price [b1927]
  5. Birgit Nilsson [1918-2005]
  6. Montserrat Caballé [b1933]
  7. Lucia Popp [1939-1993]
  8. Margaret Price [b1941]
  9. Kirsten Flagstad [1895-1962]
  10. Emma Kirkby [b1949]
  11. Elisabeth Schwarzkopf [1915-2006]
  12. Regine Crespin [b1927]
  13. Galina Vishnevskaya [b1926]
  14. Gundula Janowitz [b1937]
  15. Karita Mattila [b1960]
  16. Elisabeth Schumann [1888-1952]
  17. Christine Brewer [b1960]
  18. Renata Tebaldi [1922-2004]
  19. Rosa Ponselle [18987-1981]
  20. Elly Ameling [b1933]
  Emma Kirkby (10), Karita Mattila (15), Christine Brewer (17)
  The expert panel
  • John Allison Editor, Opera Magazine
  • Kate Bolton Radio 3 Producer
  • Catherine Bott Radio 3 Presenter and Soprano
  • David Brickbill Historic Recordings Specialist
  • Hugh Canning Sunday Times Opera Critic
  • Andrew Farach-Colton Writer, Editor
  • Hilary Finch Music Critic, The Times
  • Howard Goldstein Music Professor at Auburn University, Alabama
  • George Hall Writer, Editor, Translator
  • Ashutosh Khandekar Editor, Opera Now Magazine
  • Nick Morgan Freelance Radio Producer
  • Richard Morrison Times Music Critic
  • David Nice Writer, Biographer
  • Anna Picard Chief Music Critic, Independent on Sunday
  • Anthony Pryer Music Lecturer, Goldsmith’s College, London
  • Michael Scott Rohan Author, Editor
  • Jan Smaczny Professor of Music, Queen’s University, Belfast
  • Geoffrey Smith Radio 3 Presenter
  • Michael Tanner Spectator Opera Critic
  • Robert Thicknesse Former Time Opera Critic
  • Barry Witherden Freelance Critic
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舞台生涯 回复 悄悄话 不荒唐!歌唱不单单是拚声音,由许多因素组成。DOMINGO是我见过听过最喜欢的男性歌唱家,从技巧到音乐素养及个人涵养!这个排列较具全面性,不错!
附点 回复 悄悄话 把DOMINGO排第一是我从来没见过的荒堂排法,无论音质和技巧他都没法数第一的.FLREZ才出道没多久,竟和名家并列.男高音里把德国唱法排了高了,俄罗斯唱法 LEMESHEV也不是首位,(虽说我喜欢他),明显推重戏剧性男高音,SCHIPA和GIGLI都列低了.这是我看到的几十种排法中的最没有说服力的一种.