



(2007-11-25 23:08:47) 下一个
书名:Let the children come along the virtuous way
--by Gary & Anne Marie Ezzo

第4章的读书笔记 :) 
Chapter 4: The father’s mandate
1. Cultivate a sense of family identity
Family identity is the mutual acceptance of who we are as a family.
Family identity is based on trust, acceptance, and a growing loyalty between members.
2. Demonstrate an ongoing love for your wife
The marriage relationship is the stage upon which the performance of trust if acted out before your child’s watchful eyes.
3. Understand your child’s private world
Every person lives in three worlds- public, personal, and private.
Our private world is the most secret of all palaces.
No one can visit our private world without an invitation.
Children have a private world that is constantly changing and developing. When your child invites you into his or her private world, you must listen with your heart as well as your head.
4. Give your child the freedom to fail
It is better to try and fail than not to try at all.
Reassure him or her that failure is acceptable, as long as he or she makes an honest effort.
Your children want you to be pleased and proud of them.
It is no the fear of failure itself that holds a child back but the fear of failing someone.
5. Encourage your child
There is a big difference between an encouraging remark and an encouraging father.
Take your child’s need for encouragement seriously.
What may not be a big issue to you may be a major issue to your child.
6. Guard your tongue and your tone
If we fail our kids in their moments of discovery, we potentially lose more than the moment; we lose our children’s sense of security and trust in knowing they can share life with Dad and Mom.
7. Routinely embrace your child
Our children are never too old to be kissed, hugged, or held – never! Holding your child does more than provide security.
It meets special emotional needs that one day will be met by your child’s mate.
8. Build trust on God’s word
The need for trust in any relationship is basic.
Trust cannot be separated from truth.
Parenting is a discipleship relationship in which truth passes from one generation to another.
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