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Residency Guide: about ERAS

(2009-12-12 15:09:12) 下一个


The electronic residency application system (ERAS)is a method of centralised, computerised application for residency. After you have paid the required application fee and requested a 'Token' via the On-line Applicant Status and Information System (OASIS), ECFMG will send a unique identification number ('a Token') by e-mail. This Token will permit the applicant to access the AAMC's ERAS website to complete his/her ERAS application on-line. Simultaneously, you'll have to mail photocopies of your supporting documents to ECFMG. On this online site you have to
a. enter your personal details in a standarised curriculum vitae
b. enter a personal statement (click
here for advice about creating your personal statement) and...
c. designate the residency programs you wish to have your application sent to.


The supporting documents that you have send in the mail include
1. your photograph
2. your examination transcript and
3. your letters of reference
4. your dean's letter /
medical student performance evaluation

Foreign medical graduates send these paper items to the ECFMG who act as your "dean's office". They scan your paper documents and photo, match it to your online application items and e-mail the lot to the residency programs you selected. You can select up to four letters of recommendation to each program. You can follow this process on the Automated Document Tracking System (ADTS) which allows you to see when your application documents are downloaded by the residency programs. ERAS, the ADTS and the NRMP are all run my the AAMC (American Association of Medical Colleges). You should complete all of the ERAS application procedures as soon as possible, but by December 1st in your year of application at the latest.

The question of where to apply is frequently asked. Almost all hospitals will take the best applicants they can get, no matter their origin. There is therefore no such thing as 'IMG friendly' hospitals, only hospitals that cannot recruit american graduates, and have a preponderance of IMGs working there. You would do well to try and avoid such institutions since there is often a reason that they are deserted by American grads. The best advice is to discuss your plans with colleagues who know your field, and get their advice about where you would best be suited. You can use resources on AMA's
FREIDA online to narrow your search, and obtain contact information. For medicine, you can also find the pass rate for the program's residents in the medicine certification examinations at the ABIM website .

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