

(2006-07-08 23:48:01) 下一个
Our men are always asking one question: What does she want?

Obviously, it's not easy for men to figure out what their women really think. Is it important? Of course, we don't want to guess, we don't want to contemplate, we just want to hear the words directly from their mouths.

Men and women are different species. We speak different languages, we have different motivations and insecurities, and we enjoy different activities. Oops...forgot something, we even come from different places - Men from Mars and Women from Venus.

Probably we all know these. The real question is: Do women really know what they want?

Wow, this is an interesting question! I bet a lot of women now are shouting at me, "You idiot, what do you think who you're?" No offense, sis, I'm just asking a question! Well, since you are "mocking" me, I have to tell you what I think.

The answer is negative. A majority of women are emotional animals. They don't like to think; they like to feel, and they feel whether their feelings are right or wrong. I'm not saying women don't have brains. As a matter of fact, most women are smarter than me. But when anyone gets emotional, their wisdom has been usually clouded by their emotions.

If women don't know what they want, why should our men care? I mean, why we should care about what they think. The truth is, you really don't need to find out what they're thinking, but you should understand how they're feeling, at least try to. Otherwise, the communication gap between two of you will never be closed.

So until next time, you now know: All in woman is an enigma!
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