

y2k委内瑞拉之行(二)自由自在/Dancing To The Beat

(2006-08-10 21:54:18) 下一个

Saturday, Nov 4th
Nice weather, gently breezing, cloudy.
After we have breakfast we meet the tour guide in the lobby, and she give us an introduction about 
Veneuzela and Magrita and some excursion from Magarita, when she show us the picture of
Angel Fall in Claima national park, amazon area, I and kevin attracted by the unique scene and
decide to take a trip there, the flight only start Sunday, Tuesday, Friday, we can't take Sunday
since tickets already out and Friday we will be back so we choose Tuesday, and it was proved we
made the best decision. The tour guide is very friendly and tell us lots of things about the island
and tell us to change money in the near town not in hotel, because 1US$
in hotel only get 640BS but in town can get 685BS; she also tell me the best place she went is LA
PAZ/BOLIVIA(EL ALTO); if want to go to jungle, best season is raining season from May to Nov, we
just at the end of it so still raining sometimes, for beach from Nov to Mar. The trip to Angel
Fall take 201 us$ in cash and 221 in credit card; if stay 3 days then may goto angel fall by foot
and go into Brazil a little bit. There is also another park very beautiful but need a whole week
hiking, I will try my best to find a time to do that. And the shop open from 9 to 1, 3 to 7pm,
like lots of goverment department in china has 2 hours rest(actually more detail info can be
found in the counter and I just ignore this and until the end of trip I found out still lots can
do on this island, but one week is not enough for all).

After lunch and have a sleep we 4 goto the near town on foot, first time we choose the broadway
take quite a long time to there and we met a guy show us the bar and the price for rental car and
guide tour in the island and diving, seems cheaper than those offered by hotel and travel agency.
We change money and get a good deal then come back, actually we should go down further to a flea
market to buy something then save later time, but seems other guys quite tired then we come back
along the beach, this is a short cut to our hotel, need to go over some small hills, and on the
hills I am the first guy see the amazing scene, under sunset a close island shining like a gold
bell, i can take the picture but I am too greedy, because there are some dark cloud in the
background so I want to take picture in the rest days, but after this day I can't catch this
again because of weather or schedule conflict with the time. this only last 2 or 3 minutes, so
friends if you run into some hardly seen scene don't hesitate to take a shot even it's not that
perfect, it's a lucky to meet the natural wonder, later we will have more lucky in Amazon trip.
Then we goto dinner and met a handsome Holand boy and his gf, he buy a t-shirt and a nice base 
ball hat in the market of that small town we just visited this afternoon, and very nice, his deal
for t-shirt is 2000 and hat is 3000bs so I have a clear idea of what price it could be. His gf
spend 2 hours to make a fancy toupee with lots of decoration, just like African woman and it took
60us$. Nice dinner, fish more fresh than before, wonderful beef, excellent ???. After dinner
I go around and heard someone is singing "the way we were" of Streisand Barbra in maxi cafe so I
know that bar can also sing Karaoke, and I check her story about 50 tracks. And another song is
"my way", don't know who sing it. And host also sing several spanish or latin songs to the
audience. It's different from the karaoke we saw because it has only word list and no background
movie. The karaoke end at 9pm.
Dancing to the beat
The night show is all about dance, a mixture of local inhabitant and latin, spanish and africa
dance, in one word, dance to the beat. and sometimes they wear indian tribe's clothes, some section
have tap dance. no need good figure, no need beautiful face, only need good rhyme, uniformity,
then the outcome is perfect. In the end again everyone stand up and dance with the theme song of
the hotel. what i can say is: unlimited drink, unlimited passion, unlimited freedom.
I chat with Tom while twisting body and I am thinking if I will be bad if go with some girl, on 
the other side I thought if go with my friend I can't enjoy like this. Go with these canadian
friends give me a lot tips in travelling around. Next time I will go by myself again.

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