
元亨利 (热门博主)
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  读者看小说总想知道书中角色在现实生活中是否有真人原型存在。前面说了毛姆的《刀锋》中的拉里,这里再说另一本小说。作者这次是法国作家马尔洛,Andre Malraux。那个e是法文字母,上面应该有一撇,但是英文打不出来。中文一般把他翻译成马尔洛。他在中国不是很有名,来过中国几次(不知官方说法是不是中国人民的老朋友)。而国际坊间流传一个说法,就是马尔洛最著名的一部小说《人类命运》里主角的原型是周恩来。《人类命运》法文名是《La Condition Humaine》,如果直译成英文,应该是《Human Condition》(根据Wiki),但是英文版书名是《Man's Fate》,Wiki说确有一个译本是翻译成《Human Condition》,但是那个版本没有流行起来,所以这里就按英文书名直译为《人类命运》了。小说是以1927年上海工人运动,以及国民党镇压共产党这段历史为背景,其中主要人物之一Kyoshi Gisers(一般简称为Kyo)被一些文献认为是以周恩来为原型创作的。Kyo是日本母亲和法国父亲的混血,他自己又娶了个德国妻子,Kyo这个名,应该是日语,按照东京(Tokyo)和京都(Kyoto)的例子,Kyo应该可以翻成“京”。
周恩来是《人类命运》里京的原型的说法,在国外相当流行,不少人在提及周恩来早年在上海的经历时,往往会联系到京。学术界也有不少人持此见解。谁是始作俑者不知道,比较早的有W. M. Frohock(Andre Malraux and the Tragic Imagination,1952年出版),他并没有明说周恩来就是京的原型,而是比较了两人的相同之处,京是日法混血,而周去过日法留学,更不用说上海,共产党,工运等等,当然,京在失败后自杀,而周则逢凶化吉,直至胜利后位至一人之下万人之上。人类还有一个特点就是八卦之心,一般读者(比如说一些记者)看了Frohock的书,就会推断说,专家说了,周恩来就是京的原型。尽管其他一些专家指出京不是以周恩来为原型,但是一旦一种说法形成后,很少人会再去注意其它说法了。1972年,Cecil Jenkins在《Andre Malraux》(Twayne Publishers,New York 1972)一书中说:“周恩来,历史上京的原型(Chou En-lai,the historical counterpart of Kyo,)...”(p.68),光是其中的这个定语historical counterpart,已经暗示,作者认为Kyo在现实中就是周恩来。Lucian Pye,在1977年的一篇谈周恩来的论文(A Very Exceptional Communist,载于The Virginia Quarterly Review, Spring,Vol53(2), 1977)中还斩钉截铁地说,“...Andre Malraux to model his hero in Man’s Fate after Chou En-lai.”马尔洛的《人类命运》中的英雄是以周恩来为模型。Lucian Pye的名字与法国驻中国大使Lucien Paye(1965年马尔洛以部长身份访华,就是这位大使接待,全程地陪。)非常接近,我开始搞错了。Lucian Pye本人是美国人,汉学家,中文名白鲁恂。
  实际上,马尔洛研究者中,多数认为京并不是以周恩来为原型。Denis Boak的《马尔洛》(Andre Malraux,Clarendon Publishers,1968)就是如此;James Greenlee在《马尔洛的英雄和历史》(Malraux's Heroes and History,North Illinois University Press, 1975)从理念行为上分析了京和周恩来,认为两人没有什么共同之处。持此观点的学者认为,京的原型另有其人,D. J. Enright在他的《露水世界》(The World of Dew,Aspects of Living Japan,Secker and Warburg,1955,p.46 )一书中说,此人叫Kiyoshi Komatsu,百度一下,似乎应该是叫小松清,但是他的名字被简化为Kyo,京,“京”“清”在中文里最多是同韵近音,在日语里更近吗?不管如何,大多数人接受这一说法,小松清曾作过马尔洛的翻译,他于1963年去世,具体的事迹,与中国的关系,没有查到资料。Dick Wilson为周恩来写的传记(《Zhou Enlai:a Biography》Viking,1984,p.84)中,也指出《人类命运》中的京是以清--小松清为原型。他还提供了另一个资料,来源于斯诺向周恩来本人直接的询问。斯诺的《西行漫记》(Red Star Over China)1968年增订版,第420页的注解中记到,当周恩来听说马尔洛《人类命运》中的人物以他为原型时,说:“Things happened quite otherwise。”直译是,事情发生的不是这样的。有点别扭,意思能理解。
斯诺的资料说明,周恩来本人是知道这件事的。马尔洛在他的回忆录《反回忆录》(Antimemoirs,Hamish Hamilton,英文版1968)里记录了与周恩来的见面,过程似乎并不是在“亲切友好的气氛”中进行,说周恩来的态度是和蔼但保持距离(amicably distant),翻译的女士则几乎是带着敌意(hostile),但是法语说得很好,不带口音。马尔洛写到:“他(周恩来)和我一样知道在美国,他被认为是《人类命运》中角色之一的原型。(He knows as well as I do that in the United States he is thought to be the original of one the characters in La Condition Humaine....  )”但是马尔洛没透露到底是还是不是,周恩来本人是什么态度。保持作品人物的神秘感,对一个作家来说没有坏处。当然,1965年的访问是国事访问,所以部长和总理不可能谈太多私人事情。
基本上就是这样了。关于书名,Robert Payne在他的《A Portrait of Andre Malraux》(Prentice Hall,1970)一书中说,La Condition Humaine一语,来自帕斯卡(Blaise Pascal,法国数学家,哲学家)的名言:“Let us imagine a number of men in chains, and all condemned to death, while every day some of them had their throats cut in the sight of others; those who remain see their true condition in that of their fellows, and look at one another in sorrow and without hope, awaiting their turn. This is the image of the condition of men.”一帮套着枷锁的死囚,每天都要目睹其中某些人被杀,剩下的人毫无希望,无时不在苦难中,这就是人类命运的形象。

  还有一个资料可以提一下的是,1972年2月尼克松总统访华前夕,美方为他准备了大量背景资料,基辛格在《白宫岁月》(White House Years,Little, Brown and Company, 1979)一书中说,这是他所了解的准备最充分的一次总统访问。斯诺,费正清等中国专家的书都在尼克松的阅读书单中,也包括马尔洛,读了助手们为他准备的马尔洛的《反回忆录》一书的摘要后,尼克松要求跟马尔洛面谈。基辛格说,可惜一谈之下,他发现马尔洛关于中国的认识已经过时了,而他对中国当前意图的判断更是错得离谱(outrageously wrong),比如,他认为中国邀请尼克松访华是想要求美国经济援助,甚至希望总统能为中国提出新的马歇尔计划。但是,马尔洛的直觉非常敏锐,也说明艺术家的见解有时比专家还要到位。他认为中国与美国改善关系是不可避免的,中苏分裂就已经预示了这一点的必然性;越南战争并不是一个障碍,中国并不是真正帮助越南,而只是因为国内的需要,中国在越南的角色是一个假象,中越两国的历史性敌意太深,而且,在中国眼里,只有中国利益而没有意识形态。所以马尔洛认为,美国的越南政策是无关的,重要的是美国的太平洋政策,而关键在日本,所以美国一定要保护日本,美国的立场一定要坚定,因为整个亚洲都在看美国。马尔洛说,总而言之,中国在寻求统一,寻求光荣和尊严,最后她也要寻求经济方面的出路。基辛格对马尔洛非常欣赏,因为马尔洛已经快10年没去中国了,也没有内部消息渠道,他有的是他的感性(sensitivity),他的深邃的觉察力(brilliant perception)和敏锐的理解力(shrewd understanding)。








以上图片来自Malraux, Past Present Future, Conversation with Guy Suares一书,由Claude Glayman主编,图片报道Daniel Pype。

1962年5月,肯尼迪总统夫妇,第一夫人后面的应该是Lyndon Johnson副总统。

1965年8月,北京,刘少奇,陈毅,毛泽东,马尔洛,法国大使Lucien Paye,女的应该是翻译,不知是谁,法语翻译可能不象英文翻译,唐闻生,冀朝鼎等那么曝光率高。



以上来自Robert Payne书中





Between July 19 and August 6 (1965), French Minister of State (Andre) Malraux visited China as special envoy of de Gaulle. At first, the French government indicated that Malraux would come to China as a private visitor. It did so for three reasons: to protect France's prestige as a "big power" and not to appear that it needed our help; to prevent the prospect that we would reject Malraux's visit because he served as a peace broker on Vietnam; and not to irritate the United States. After Malraux's arrival in China, the French government worried that our leaders would not receive him. As a result, it stressed that de Gaulle wanted to conduct talks with our leaders and that Malraux was making an official visit. But in public statements the French government still insisted that Malraux was making a private trip. We expressed our dissatisfaction with the unclear identity of Malraux and the trick played by the French government. Later, the French government delivered a letter of introduction from de Gaulle to Chairman Liu (Shaoqi), authorizing Malraux to "thoroughly exchange views" with China on "significant issues concerning both China and France as well as the future of the world." It also expressed apologies to us. To exploit Franco-American contradictions and to woo de Gaulle, Chairman Mao, Chairman Liu, Premier Zhou, and Deputy Premier Chen (Yi) all received Malraux and discussed with him the following issues:

(1) Vietnam and Indochina

The Vietnam question was a primary issue that Malraux wanted to discuss. Rather than raising the issue directly, he chose to sound us out indirectly. Deputy Premier Chen asked Malraux whether he carried any specific proposals on Vietnam from de Gaulle, he replied no, saying that France would not initiate any proposal without obtaining China's agreement. During his meeting with Premier (Zhou), Malraux indirectly advanced the "Indochina neutralization" plan: to divide Vietnam along the Truong Son Ra mountain. The area east of the mountain, including Saigon, would belong to the DRV or the NLF; the area west of the mountain as well as Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand would be "neutralized." Malraux also asked whether it was possible to open negotiations when the United States "promised" to withdraw troops. Premier immediately repudiated Malraux's plan, pointing out that the boundaries in Indochina had long been established and that what needed to be discussed at the moment was the respect for the independence and neutrality of Cambodia and Laos on the basis of the Geneva Accords. Premier also explained our position on Vietnam and expressed our firm support for the anti-American patriotic struggle of the Vietnamese people. He contended that the United States, rather than seeking to preserve its prestige and disengage, desired to stay in Vietnam.

(2) Opposing American-Soviet Hegemony [not translated].
(3) Reform of the United Nations [not translated].
(4) Sino-French Relations [not translated].
(5) Chinese Domestic Issues [not translated].

August 12, 1965.

[1] The CC CCP on August 24, 1965 sent this circular to its regional bureaus, provincial committees as well as the ministries of the State Council and the General Political Department of the PLA.


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