Simon and Garfunkel - April Come She Will (1981 LIVE in NYC)
提到Simon & Garfunkel可能没有多少人知道,提到影片『毕业生』的主题曲『斯卡泊罗集市』(Scarborough Fair)、忧愁河上的金桥(Bridge Over Troubled Water)、寂静之声(The Sound Of Silence),熟悉欧美老歌的朋友一定恍然大晤,原来是他们呀! 深藏在回忆里的优美合声,无可取代的诗人重唱组合。追寻60年代的思想、70年代的精神,完整收录跨时代音乐诗篇。 享有史上最伟大二重唱美称的Simon & Garfunkel无疑是60年代最具代表性的声音,Simon言之有物的词曲,精彩的勾勒出了那个时代,也道出当时年轻人的心声,加上Garfunkel只应天上有的超级美声,造就了『The Sound Of Silence』、『Mrs. Robinson』、『Bridge Over Troubled Water』...等人人耳熟能详的劲曲。
APRIL COME SHE WILL,这是Simon And Garfunkel的一首在不出名的作品里比较出名又在出名的作品里不算出名的作品,这首歌肯定无论如何不能和什么深度联系起来,怎么看都是一首爱情小诗,不过却得到了很多人的喜爱,包括我。整首歌曲是典型的simon式民谣,淡淡的,轻轻的,流畅而优美,整首歌只用了吉他作为伴奏,更突出了这个特点。
April come she will When streams are ripe and swelled with rain May, she will stay Resting in my arms again June, shall change her tune In restless walks shell prowl the night July, she will fly And give no warning to her flight August, die she must The autumn winds blow chilly and cold September I’ll remember A love once new has now grown old 其他的经典.........
Simon and Garfunkel "Sound of Silence" in Central Park
Simon & Garfunkel - Scarborough Fair
Simon & Garfunkel - The Boxer
Simon & Garfunkel - Mrs. Robinson
Simon & Garfunkel - Bridge over troubled water
Simon and Garfunkel- America
Simon & Garfunkel - Homeward Bound (Monterey 1967)
阿乖2007-06-26 02:09:41回复悄悄话
Good, another my favourite song, i use the Scarborough Fair as my cell phone ring always.It's nice to find a music blog and those songs and singers wake my memories up.