
终于想起来啦,玫瑰的名字叫Belinda\'s Dream

(2009-05-04 07:48:23) 下一个
难怪我这么懒的人都养活这个玫瑰,原因是Belinda's Dream非常适应德州又湿又热的环境,难得的是特别皮实,不容易生病。是一个退休的Texas A&M数学教授培养出来的玫瑰。

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This is another rose bred by Dr. Robert Basye, and named after a friend's daughter. It blooms constantly and has very few disease or pest problems. The buds are beautiful and they open to very full blooms of light pink. This is a fast growing rose, and very carefree. It will reward you with flowers almost all year long. It can grow from 3 to 6 feet tall.

Bred in Texas by Dr. Robert E. Basye in 1992. A retired Texas A&M Mathematics professor, he had bred roses for over 50 years. Professor Basye died February 9, 2000.
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