8月11日这期的《时代周刊》上刊登了一篇题为《七年期待之后,北京市民无奈地接受城市的改变——奥运前夜中国首都揭秘》的文章,署名Austin Ramzy。
1. 画面背景的平房不是四合院,这类平房属于北京京郊或农村院落的建筑格局。十几年前,偶尔可以在二环三环之间(例如农科院附近)见到这类建筑。城区的老四合院不用红砖,房顶的瓦也不是这种类型。
2. 画面左侧边上是个修车铺,门口停了辆摩托。这种摩托车只能在城乡结合部看到。另外,北京城区早已不发放新摩托车牌照了。
3. 路边私搭乱建的小棚子。这种沿街私建的小棚,北京二环以内多少年前就看不到了,更别说有七百年历史的老胡同了。
4. 路面没有铺柏油而路边又没有因为修路堆积的土石。北京的胡同都是柏油马路。
5. 除了骑车带小孩的妇女我不太确定,画面里其他人都不是北京土著。
Thursday,Jul. 31, 2008
ByAustin Ramzy
The sound of the Olympic games for me has always been John Williams'OlympicFanfare and Theme. But since this spring those strains have beenreplaced bythe clack and crumble of workmen with pickaxes leveling a walloutside mywindow at dawn.
In 2007 I moved into a quiet hutong, a traditional narrow lane linedwithcourtyard houses, in eastern
The hubbub produced no shortage of inconvenience for the two dozen familiesIshare a courtyard with. The work went on for weeks; sewer repairs meantwalkingthrough a ditch to leave one's door; the dust was so heavy that aspringsandstorm came and left without our noticing. But the occasionalgrumbles couldnever sink the enthusiasm of my neighbors. I came home one dayto find oneperched precariously on his roof, sawing away. "For theOlympics," hesaid with a grin. At a party in February, I asked severalneighbors their hopesfor the coming year; the most popular response was for asuccessful Games.Clearly, fixing up our courtyard was key to that. "Thework here isn't justgood for us," says my neighbor Feng Huiming, whoworks at the local postoffice. "It's good for the world."
It is with that sense of purpose that
Other problems aren't as easily covered up.
Some Beijingers have opted to leave town on what's jokingly calledabiyuntao--"avoid Olympics package"--which rhymes with theChineseword for condom. Others, including huge numbers of migrant workers, havebeenforced out. A group of builders from
In the weeks preceding the Games, authorities have closed clubs andbars,blocked concerts and other public gatherings and put an increasing numberofarmed police on the streets. Some of my neighbors have even been recruitedasvolunteer public-security monitors. They sport red-and-white poloshirtsbearing the logo of a
That's the closest most of them will come to seeing the Olympics inperson."We have no access to tickets," says Feng. "And even ifwe did,we couldn't afford them." An Olympic slogan repeated onbillboardsthroughout the city reads I PARTICIPATE; I CONTRIBUTE; I'M HAPPY.After monthsof participating and contributing, the people in this corner of thecapitalwill have to be happy catching the Games, as the rest of the world does,athome on television.
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