前两天读了一本关于Motivation书,才大吃一惊!原来普通塑料杯子里面的一种成分叫作Bisphenol A,对孩子有极大的危害:不仅影响孩子的生理发育,而且可能导致多动症和孩子Unmotivative。作者列举了大量的试验数据和Clinical测试结果,将Bisphenol A列为影响孩子Motivation的5个原因之一(Bisphenol-A is a hormone-disrupting chemical considered to be potentially harmful to human health and the environment. )。有兴趣的朋友可以看看那本书或者Google一下,保管你也大吃一惊。
哪些瓶子含Bisphenol A呢?基本上多数瓶子都有,因为Bisphenol A是塑料工业普遍使用的一种成分,但clear plastic bottles,也就是可乐,瓶装水等软饮料里面含得最多。想知道Bisphenol A是什么味道吗?尝一尝夏天放在车后备箱里的瓶装水,您就知道了,因为Bisphenol A在加热时更容易溶解于水中。
So what should we do?
尽量不要用塑料杯子喝水;Do not give your child soft vinyl toys or pacifiers made with phthalates --- look for products labeled "BPA-free".
我呢,看了书的第二天就给两孩子各买了一个钢杯子(stainless steel bottle)。嗨,都快成惊弓之鸟了。
1 不知道拿个好心人在Amazon开了一个Tag,列出了N个BPA-free产品,看看你用的在不?Link
2 宝坦也有朋友谈到过,请参见:来源: 咸蛋妈咪 大家有没有看到昨天的文学城新闻,奶瓶含致癌物biphenolA 2. My Current Reading: For quickly assessing a child's motivational type and finding the targeted ideas for their type, begin in chapter three (at p. 107 in the hardcover edition), then skip to the relevant chapter for the child's type. We found the book so useful that we bought additional copies for our daughter's teacher and the library of our school district's gifted and talented association. 1. 睿妈睿爸的Amazon推荐List : LINK
The Motivation Breakthrough: 6 Secrets to Turning On the Tuned-Out Child by Richard Lavoie (Hardcover - September 25, 2007) By Melissa Crawford "oddharmonic " (Dallas, TX USA) - See all my reviews