by rurumama ********************
今天爸爸从幼儿园吧如如接回家,进门头一句说:“I'm not so happy, someone scrached ruru.”我赶快抱过来一看,气的脑袋都大了,这么好几个血印子!

妈妈说,明天一定要亲自去学校问校长为什么不给我们incident report。爸爸一听该给报告没有给,也生气了。建议妈妈立马给学校打电话质问(妈妈比较母老虎,爸爸面)。妈妈也不客气,拨通电话。得知校长回家了,明天出去开会也见不了,只好和副校长谈一谈。
mom:This is Julie's mom. My daughter came home today with several scrachesunder her right eye. One of them is quite deep and has been bleedingapparently.
VP: I am sorry to hear that. If the wound is fresh, it might have happened late in the afternoon.
mom:Yeah, I guess so but I'd rather see an incident report than guessing.When Julie's father asked the teacher what happened, she doesn't knowfor sure. We would like to know when, how and why it happened. Iunderstand things like this happen among the kids. But when I visitedyour daycare, I saw a template of the "ouch report" and I am expectingone in this case.
VP: Yes, you should be. Youshould be expecting one. I apologize for that. I will talk to herteacher tomorrow about this. You know, there is a new hire.
mom: Yes, what is the new teacher's name please?
VP:****, it spells as ****
mom: thanks. I'dlike to talk to the president when she is back. Also, if it ispossible, Julie's father and I would like to meet with you and theteacher tomorrow.
VP: I will make sure thepresident hears this when she is back. Definitely tomorrow we shouldget to the bottom of this. When would you like the come over?
mom: The usual drop off time, 8:30 to 9:00.
VP: Could you come at 9 ? **** (the new teacher) starts at 9 o'clock.
mom: sure, thanks.
---Nov. 8, 2007
Thismorning we talked with the teacher and were generally happy with theresponses we got from the all the other teachers except the one that isresponsible. She never even said she was sorry about the accident, andall she can tell us is "I don't know." (about when, how, where ithappened.) I hope she will get better at her job sooner than later.