小天使 (743)- 儿子会滑旱冰了
(2007-03-14 18:54:32)
by A-mao
胆小怕摔的儿子,对学溜冰一直不敢试,怎么鼓励也没有用。学校组织的溜冰活动,他都是一个人在外面玩。最近after-school program一连好几次去溜冰,在老师的鼓励下,儿子终于鼓起勇气,去试了几次。摔了几跤后,昨晚又去参加学校的溜冰活动。在妈妈4块钱的激励下,终于学会了。昨晚一到家,就激动的冲老爸喊:“I know how to roller-skate now! I did 20 circles today!”
“Really? Is it true, mom?”
“Yes, he did. It is not hard at all, right?”
儿子一激动,就开始教导老爸了:“You can do it, dad. I can teach you.”
老爸这把老骨头,还是别去折腾。只好回答: “No way. If I go, I might break my bone. You remember Grace's dad fell and broke his leg? Even the ambulance came by to take him to the hospital.”
那是几年前的事了。儿子的同学的爸爸溜冰时摔断了腿,被抬上救护车呢。儿子知道让老爸去没戏,只好回头去找老妈要钱:“Mom, you said 4 dollars. Don't forget to give me the money.”