2007 (702)
2008 (322)
最近,一家邻居的太太背痛,先生又在韩国上班,就找我们家商量car pool,一起接送孩子。他们送,我太太接。邻居的女儿以前和儿子是同一个班,今年分开了。但还是一起在after school program玩。漂漂亮亮的韩国小女孩,我们也经常在家里拿儿子开心:“Is she your girl friend? ”
上周五,俺一到家,老妈就告状:“儿子不老实。两人坐后排,中间虽隔着一个座位,儿子还是和小女孩争争吵吵。周五,居然吓唬人家,要给她一个kiss。俺只好审问一下儿子:“What did she reply?”
“Disgusting!”, 老妈抢着说。
“See, you know you have to be nice to girl, right?” 俺对儿子说。
儿子没头没脑地来了一句:“ Can I buy a wife with my money?”
“You have watched Snowwhite and Lion King a lot of times. You know, when people get married, they have to fall in love first, right? Can someone buy dad and mom's love to you from you?”
“Ok, I get it.”
“So, next time, treat girls nicely. When you grow up, you can become a gentleman. Then a girl will love you and marry you to become your wife. No girl loves a bad boy.”