小天使(484)-Am I a Grandpa?
(2007-01-04 19:13:49)
by A-mao
这几天儿子和姐姐天天玩HarvestMoon,学当farmer。姐姐当然会玩得多,已经远远地在弟弟前面:从有“女朋友”到“结婚”,都有“儿子”了。昨天正好姐姐不在,就一个人猛玩,要赶上姐姐。到中午,我在楼上的计算机上,听到楼下的音乐,就问儿子:“What's going on?”
“I am finally married!”
“OK, Keep going.”
等到一个小时后,老爸下楼,再问儿子:“ 赶上姐姐没有?”
“Almost! I am a dad now, with one son. You see, this is my wife.”
“ What's her name?”
“I don't remember.”
想想正是教育儿子的好机会,就对儿子说:“ Wow, you have to work hard, and earn more moneysince you have a family to support now. You can not be lazy any more.”
“ I know. I only have a few hundred dollars now.”
“By the way, I am a grandpa now, right?”
“Don't be silly,dad! You are not even in the game!”