


(2006-11-29 17:37:57) 下一个
by ed2006


When I walked into the ErBao’s classroom and ready to take him homeyesterday, his teacher Ms. Kimbo asked me to wait for a second and shehad something to show me.

“You must be very surprised,” she picked uptwo pieces of paper from the printer, “this is the longest weekendupdate ErBao made so far and it’s also the longest one I have ever seenfrom the kids I have ever taught.”

ErBao started his weekendupdate in general as usual, what he ate, played and etc. then heswitched the topic to the football, he then talked about almost all ofthe football games he’s ever remembered. Meanwhile, Ms. Sara, anotherteacher in the same classroom, looked at the internet and checked tosee the team names and scores of the games, most of what he said wascorrect. And some games could be traced back in September.

ErBaoindulged himself in sport games recently, if he couldn’t watch the gameat night, he would ask his daddy for the game result the next Morning.He seemed to have habit of remembering those team names, player namesand game scores, hehe, maybe he can become an anchor of sport channelat ESPN in the future. 

Here is his weekend update, thanks a lot for his teacher’s typing!

 OnThanksgiving, I ate turkey and broccoli and pumpkin pie. I also had...circle pie. My friend, Forest came over to visit. And I watchedSpiderman...and I watched football with my Dad. I saw the Cowboys andthe Pirates. The Cowboys won 38 to 10. I like the Cowboys.

Then onSunday, I watched the Chicago Bears play the New England'Patricks'(Patriots). The Patricks won... 17 to 13 I think. And then Iwatched the Carolina Panthers. They played Washington and lost.... 17to 13.

Then I watched the Indiana 'Ports' and the Dallas Cowboys. It'sthe same Cowboys who played the Pirates and they won again. It was 21to 14. And I also watched Texas play Texas A&M. Texas A&M won12 to 7.

 Sometimes I watch football on Monday. I likethe NY Giants. Green Bay is on tonight and we won't watch that one. Ilike the Miami Dolphins and I watched them on Thanksgiving. They wonwhen they played the Detroit Lions. It was 27 to 10.

I watched OhioState play Michigan. Ohio State won 42 to 39. And... I watched Houstonplay the Chicago Bears. The Bears won but I don't remember the score ofthat one. I watched Okalahoma play Oregon. Oregon won.... um, 34 to 33.That score was very close! And Penn State played Ohio State and Ohiowon. I don’t' remember the score but I think Ohio got 29 or 35.

And...when California played Oregon, I think California won. Yeah they won.They got 14 and Oregon got 3. And... I watched some more games. Iwatched some champion games. The North Carolina 'Candles' (Central) wonagainst Elizabeth City State. I don't remember the numbers for thatone. 

 Oh and when Arizona State played the Minnesota'Vacuums' the score was... 31 to 26. The Vacuums won. And then the NewEngland Patricks beat Minnesota. They beat the Vacuums 31 to 7.

Also,West Virginia played Pittsburgh and West Virginia won. I don't know howmany scores they got, but West Virginia won.

And then when the DukeDevils played...they played... Davison... or was it Wake Forest? Ithink it was... um maybe Wake Forest. Wake Forest won 14 to 13. Oh andVirginia played Virginia Tech and Virginia Tech won 17 to 0. That wasnot a very close game! And I saw Virginia Tech play Georgia Tech, butthat time Georgia Tech won 38 to 20.

And...I watched one more game. Florida State and they played...um Florida.The score was 21 to 14 and Florida won. Oh and Kimbo... Boston Collegeplayed Wake Forest and Wake Forest won. I don't remember the score butit might have been 17 to 0. And the last one... USC played Notre Dameand USC won 38 to 24. That's all I can remember.

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