


(2006-05-14 22:02:34) 下一个
by 寒枝

My Shoes are Faster

Andrew and Anna both got new shoes last night while waiting topick up pizza. They both are very happy with their newshoes, especially Anna. She picked a pair of shoes with laces onpurpose and had me teach her how to tie them last night.

Anna'sshoes are white sneakers with violet stripes on each side. Cute PowerPuff girl figures decorate the sides. She learned how to tie thecomplicated butterfly knot quickly to my surprise last night (as she isnot even four and a half yet), then practiced diligently by herself for5-6 times all by herself before going to bed.

Andrewpicked his new shoes all by himself and they were dark race carsneakers. They look really cool on him. He put them on in the storeand ran and jumped in the store and decided that they are the mostcomfortable and cool ones while I helped Anna pick hers. I was veryproud of him because he is pretty independant now and has good tastestoo.

This morning both kids wore their new shoes toschool. On our way back to the car after dropping Andrew, Anna ranahead of me and said: "Mommy, my shoes are much faster than yours!" Another parent that we just passed couldn't help commenting:"That issuch a cute statement!"

( Followed are the pictures stolen from 寒枝's blog. 口水ING ).

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晓风残月 回复 悄悄话 9494,寒枝姐就是太谦虚啦。
asalways 回复 悄悄话 该晕乎该晕乎,只要寒枝妈妈耳朵不长茧,我是夸上千遍也不厌倦。
寒枝 回复 悄悄话 不好意思, 鸡毛蒜皮的事情被我唠叨来唠叨去, 你们的耳朵都要长茧啦!
谢谢各位喜欢他们. 他们在众位叔叔阿姨的关注和祝福中长大, 很幸运. 我在你们的夸奖中也晕乎乎了:)
ii06 回复 悄悄话 真的是耶,我的哈拉子也流了一地:)
紫伊 回复 悄悄话 Wow! 两个漂亮天使~~~
黄颜 回复 悄悄话 本年度最上镜小姐和先生.
littlelazy 回复 悄悄话 Andrew and Anna are so cute!
asalways 回复 悄悄话 忍不住把金童玉女的片片给偷过来了,俺憋了半天的口水又流了一地。 :DD