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(2006-02-24 14:11:15) 下一个


2006 年2月12日PartyPoker(聚会扑克)举办的50万美元保证金比赛, 共有3500人参加, 前400名分得70万美元, 这场比赛的入场费是200美元, 另加15美元手续费


ABlackCar - $140,000
fazz2 - $70,000
GiantBag - $51,800
Dugan31 - $41,300
JMCJ_1 - $33,600
IrYak - $26,600
Megan10 - $19,600
Dragon_12 - $13,300
sdnewguy - $9,800
fed105 - $7,000


第一名的帐户ABlackCar是个叫Josh的16岁少年注册的, 他用两个帐户同时打一场比赛,AblackCar拿了第一, 得到14万美元奖金, 另一个帐户Jjprodigy得2162名, 没有奖金。但自己和朋友把这事儿嚷嚷出来后,被人告发, PartyPoker(聚会扑克)展开调查,发现这2个帐户曾经在一起打过11场比赛, 属于作弊行为。 不但没收了那14万奖金,连账户里的其它4万美元也给没收了。

这场比赛其他玩家的名次相应向前提一名, 第二名晋升为第一名, 得到14万美元奖金, 第401名原来没有奖, 现在也晋升为400名, 获得相应的奖金。


从他的帖子看,Jjprodigy 认识到这样做不道德, 也道歉了,认为PartyPoker(聚会扑克)应该没收他的奖金。

事发后, Pokerstars (扑克之星) 也随即展开调查, 发现16岁少年在Pokerstars (扑克之星) 上也采用相同手法, 用2个帐户同时打了数场锦标赛, 结果他在Pokerstars (扑克之星) 上的帐户也全部被封

下面是 Josh的解释:
The account 'ABlackCar' was not made for multi-accounting. It was intentionally made for my grandma for her birthday present. However, it was never given to her. So, I had an extra account. Yes, I multi-tabled. Yes, it is incredibly easy. Yes, many people do it was . You really have no idea about the situation.

About 2 months ago, I thought it was just a really bad idea like everyone else. A lot of my friends did it, and i always gave them a hard time for it. But, I had a conversation with a player where we decided it would be a lot of +EV to not be known when you are playing MTTs. So, basically, I had a spare account with tons of +EV in it. So many poeple did it with no reprocautions. I know someone who had over 10 accounts in a recent million guaranteed. Party has no idea.

So, back to the day of the win. When there was about 30 left, I started telling all these people I was in. I was too much caught up in the moment, and it was a really stupid thing to do in hindsight. It slipped out, and everyone knew. The account was in the name of my grandma, and it was intended for her to play in, so that was the easiest excuse for me. I apologize for lieing to everyone. I really do. When such a large amount of money is on the line, it's really tough to be loyal to morals.

The next morning, both accounts were close. Today, they took away all the money. The roughly 40k in JJProdigy, and the 140k in ABlackCar. The following is what I was e-mailed by Party:


The investigations team opened an investigation on accounts JJProdigy and ABlackCar relating to suspicious activities during the February 12th $500K Guaranteed Tournament. The investigation was initially triggered by the investigations team as a result of a ýcommon informationý alert, IP and computer. Although the investigation was initiated internally, customer service began receiving complaints/concerns regarding this situation starting on February 13th.
With this investigation, the complaints and alerts pointed to multiple accounts being played from the same location in the same tournament.

The accounts involved in the investigation:
Account JJProdgy was created on November 4th, 2004.
Account ABlackCar was created on December 31st, 2005.

Note: The account ABlackCar was not created until December 31st, 2005, therefore all previous data was not used in the investigation unless found to be relevant.

When investigating the location of where an account is played from, there are two identifying factors that are taken into account.
A specific computer is traced by a unique computer identification number.
An Internet Protocol (IP) address is the address that an internet service provider uses to identify and trace the location of a computer.

From December 31st, 2005 until February 11th, both accounts only used the IP address xxxxxxx, which traces to xxxxxx, CA. Both accounts only used a computer with the same identifier. These are referred to as the xxxxxx IP and computer.

Account ABlackCar was created from the Home IP and computer on December 31st, 2005. On dates of January 1st, 3rd, 5th, 15th and February 6th, 7th and 9th ABlackCar logged into the Home IP and computer and registered and played in a total of nine tournaments. All of these tournaments had a buy-in of $100 or more.

Account JJProdigy was logged into from the Home IP and computer on the same dates and registered and played in the same tournaments.
Both of these accounts were played from the same computer and the same IP address in the same tournaments.

The tournament in question took placed on February 12th. At 13:54 ET account JJProdigy logged into a different computer, but from the Home IP, and registered for the $500k Guaranteed Tournament. That account then logged out and back in on the Home computer at 15:18. $215 was transferred to account ABlackCar at 15:27. At 15:32 account ABlackCar logged onto the Home IP and computer and registered for the same $500k Tournament.

Both accounts started playing the $500k Tournament from the Home IP and computer.


This indisputable evidence led to the conclusion that both accounts had played several tournaments together from the same computer located in the same location.

Account ABlackCar, although registered in a different name, is believed to have been created with the sole intention of playing multiple accounts in the same tournaments. Both accounts were consistently logged into at the same time and show a consistent pattern of being played by the same person.


A decision has been made, in consultation with the Poker Room Manager, Legal and Management, to close both accounts and confiscate all funds. Funds gathered by this deception will be refunded to the players that were affected.


Francis Hamilton,
Investigations Team


PartyPoker(聚会扑克) 给第四名的信, 他晋升为第三名.

Dear Brent,

On Sunday February 12th, 2006 you participated in our $500k Guaranteed
$215 Buy-in Tournament.

After the tournament concluded, our investigations team conducted an
investigation into two of the accounts that had participated in the
tournament (ABlackCar and JJProdigy). After an in-depth investigation, the
investigations team; in conjunction with the poker manager, legal and
management, made a determination that, based on the evidence, the two
accounts had played in the $500k Tournament from the same IP address and
both from the same computer.

A decision was made to disqualify both accounts from the tournament and
redistribute the prize money accordingly. One of the accounts placed
1st in the tournament while the other placed 2,162nd (out of the money).
In addition, both accounts have been suspended and will no longer be
allowed to play at

Each player that placed in the money has been moved up one spot,
including the player that had previously finished 401st (one spot out of the
money). Although there is no perfect way to rectify this situation, we
feel that this was the best way to redistribute the money.

Previously you had placed 4th in the tournament and won $41,300.
Moving you up to 3rd place, resulted in a new prize payout of $51,800, an
increase of $10,500.The additional money will be credited to your account
within the next week.

We appreciate the diligence with which our players help to keep our
tables safe and friendly.

If you have any further questions, comments or concerns, please contact
us at and we will be more than glad to assist

Investigations Team





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