虔谦 (热门博主)
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You are your stories

(2016-01-06 22:18:17) 下一个

Our pastor shared with us word from some famous guy: “You are your stories”.

I found that pretty profound and interesting.

You are not your words, your money, your house… you are not represented by numbers (how many novels you have written, how rich you are etc. …) but, you are honestly represented and defined by your stories; in another word, you are your stories.

As a novel fan, that phrase also gives me some kind of hint. Murmuring over what is in one’s mind has rapidly lost interest among readers, even if they are deep thoughts and feelings. People have become more and more attracted by direct contact with stories, unique stories.

Our pastor went beyond that by saying, stories connect people together: I am part of your story and so are you.

Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter… These popular master pieces are pretty much founded over good stories, stories that reflect people’s true experiences and stories that touch people's hearts.

So just tell a good story and shut the heck up on whining, complaining, boasting or any kind of that sort. And obviously, if you've got no more story to tell, then, then... haha, you know what to do.


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