林贝卡 (热门博主)
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演唱:梦之旅 来源:北京二号

我的家庭真可爱 幸福又安详 无论我在哪里 都怀念我的家
好像天上降临的声音 向我亲切召唤 我走遍海角天涯 总想念我的家

当我漫游在荒野上 凝望天边月亮 好像看见我的母亲 把爱儿思念。
她正站在茅屋门前 也望着月亮 那家门前的鲜花 再也看不见。
可爱的家 可爱的家 我走遍海角天涯 总想念我的家

离开家乡的浪人 一切都不会动我心 只要让我回到我简陋的家园
那些听我召唤的小鸟快飞回我跟前 让我重温平静的生活比一切都香甜
可爱的家 可爱的家 我走遍海角天涯 总想念我的家 可爱的家 可爱的家

Song: Home, Sweet Home
Lyrics by John Howard Payne, 1823
Melody by Henry Rowley Bishop, 1823
Sequencing by Werner Tomaschewski

'Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam,
Be it ever so humble there's no place like home!
A charm from the skies seems to hallow us there,
Which, seek through the world, is ne'er met with
Home! Home! sweet, sweet Home! There's no place like Home!

I gaze on the moon as I tread the drear wild
And feel that my mother now thinks of her child
As she looks on the moon from our own cottage door
Through the woodbine whose fragrance shall cheer me no

An exile from home splendor dazzles in vain Oh,
give me my low, thatched cottage again,
The birds singing gaily that come at my call,
Give me them with that peace of mind, dearer than

How sweet 'tis to sit neath a fond father's smile,  
And the cares of a mother to soothe and beguile.
Let others delight 'mid new pleasures to roam, 
 But give me, oh give me the pleasures of
To thee I'll return overburdened with care,
The hearts dearest solace will smile on me there
No more from that cottage again will I roam,
Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home.


昨天上午在《美语世界》论坛听到北京二号分享的《可爱的家》中英版本,中文版本好象是梦之旅演唱的,今天上午又去美语论坛聆听了几遍,实在好喜欢,忍不住把歌曲搬回我的博客收藏。 (请点击进入《美语世界》论坛 )

林贝卡 2014冬 于美国

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