Poem: Language, like love (Excerpt)
Author: Alvin Pang
Love perhaps, like language, happens.
It's done, simply because it can be done
and someone thinks they want it to happen.
Perhaps language is most like love
when it is not there, when it has to be looked for.
When it won't come if called.
When it leaves.
When we reach for it, just before
we realise its absence.
Rebecca Lin 2013 Spring In USA
Michael, I am so glad to hear from you. How have you been?
The background violin music is called "Love Is Just A Dream" performed by Claude Choe. http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/10172/201103/30950.html
Good choice of music for the post.
Language, like love 字, 如爱 (图) 来源: [美语世界] 作舟 于 2013-06-29 09:58:10
Alvin Pang is a Singaporean poet, editor and writer. His poetry includes Testing the Silence and City of Rain, etc.(Source: Wikipedia)